Nipple Discharge
Outpatients | Breast surgeryThis condition is treated in the Breast surgery clinic.
Pre-referral work-up
All women aged 55 and over with nipple discharge should be referred, in addition to women under 55 with:
- Bilateral discharge sufficient to stain clothes
- Blood stained
- Persistent single duct
All referrals should comply to the outpatient information for clinicians page, referral standards and also include:
- Onset of discharge
- Nature of discharge - blood, colour, odour
- Lactation history
- Clinical examination - description of breast, nipple and discharge
- Consider swab +/- cytology if appropriate
- Mammography if over 35, or under 35 with abnormal findings on examination
- Ultrasound if unilateral or blood-stained
Interim/GP management#
To refer a patient with this condition, please see the Breast Surgery clinic page for the full referral process and templates.
Simple analgesia if required.
For more information please see the HealthPathways Tasmania website.
Clinic appointments#
? Red location flags are clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention. They may or may not indicate an emergency.
Routine (Category 3)
Discharge with normal examination and investigations
Next available appointment
Launceston General Hospital
Level 3 - Specialist Clinics
Phone: 1300 977 694
Fax: 03 6777 5227
North West
North West Regional Hospital
Phone: 6430 6599
Fax: 6464 1928
Mersey Community Hospital
Phone: 6441 5943 or 0409 924 496
Liverpool Clinics (Level 7)
Phone: 03 6166 0000
Fax: 03 6234 9941