Visiting hours
10:00am - 8:00pm
All visitors must comply with requests from staff.
- Approval for visits outside these hours need to be discussed with the Director of Nursing on (03) 6462 9900.
- If you are unwell, please do not visit unless you have approval from the Director of Nursing.
- No food or drink to be consumed by visitors in patient's or resident's rooms.
- Please sanitise your hands when entering and leaving the facility.
Visitor numbers
Maximum number of visitors allowed at one time.
2 visitors at the bedside
All visitors must wear a surgical mask.
3 visitors in resident's room in Netherby
Any visitors with respiratory symptoms will be required to wear a mask for the health and wellbeing of residents.
Visitor access and mask wearing may be reviewed at any time.
Our services
The King Island Multi-Purpose Centre operates as a multipurpose centre with six acute care beds, eight high care and six low care residential aged care beds.
The centre also coordinates the delivery of a broad range of community services, visiting service and support groups such as community nursing, child health, dental services, ante-natal clinics and alcohol and drug services.
View services available at King Island District Hospital and Health Centre
Latest news

Rural and regional health staff receive additional training in emergency care

Response to proposed action by the ANMF