Burns outpatient clinic
Information about outpatient clinics for the assessment and management of adult and paediatric burns patients.
The Department will periodically contact patients waiting for an outpatient clinic appointment via SMS, with a link to an electronic form. This is part of routine waitlist auditing to ensure patient details are up to date. If you receive this SMS, please update your details. Outpatient Central Services can be contacted on 1300 522 809.
Burns 24 hour advice for North and North West:
Launceston General Hospital on call Plastics Registrar via switch 6777 6777.
All minor burns referrals for Launceston General Hospital Plastics Clinic/BURNSTAS State-wide telehealth and digital imaging clinic:
Fax: 6173 0202
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6166 0098
- Burns Nurse Practitioner: 0428 370 714 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
- Burns Clinical Nurse Specialist: 0499 830 698 (Wednesday)
Wellington Clinics (Level 12)
Burns Outpatient Clinic/BURNSTAS State-wide telehealth and digital imaging clinic
Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 4.00pm
All minor burns referrals:
Fax: 6173 0202
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6166 0098
- Burns Nurse Practitioner: 0428 370 714 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
- Burns Clinical Nurse Specialist: 0499 830 698 (Wednesday)
Outside business hours 24 hour advice:
- After hours Royal Hobart Hospital on call Burns/Plastics Registrar via switch board 6166 8308
- Ward K9 East Burns Unit for advice 6166 8565
Emergency care
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Learn more about when to access emergency care and non-emergency care options if the injury or illness is not serious or life-threatening.
See Criteria for specialised burns treatment.
See Referral and Transfer Flow Chart for management.
Provides telephone advice for clinicians about minor burns.
- Please leave a message on the answering machine if you require further advice. The patient will be contacted the next business day and provided with a date and a time.
- Please provide the patient with our contact details
- If a child requires additional mild or moderate sedation for the review please contact the Burns Outpatient Unit and leave a message on the answering service
- Remind the patient to take prescribed analgesia 30 minutes prior to appointment
- Check tetanus immunisation
Referral process
eReferral is now the preferred method of referral for this service and is available in All regions. Please refer via HealthLink SmartForm eReferral through your software system (either Best Practice, or Medical Director). For instructions, see the creating an eReferral quick guide. Alternatively, a completed Burns Clinic Referral Form can be faxed to clinic on 03 6173 0202.
Referral should conform to the Referral Standards as outlined on the outpatient information for clinicians page.
Referrals are triaged according to the specific clinic guidelines. Emergency patients should be sent directly to the Emergency Department.
Where available, eReferral via HealthLink smart forms is now the preferred and only secure method of referral to the Tasmanian Department of Health.
Clinic appointments
Urgent (Category 1)
Urgent referrals should be faxed to 03 6173 0202.
For advice during Business Hours contact the Burns Outpatient Clinic Royal Hobart Hospital (Phone: 6166 0098).
After hours advise can be provided through the Burns Unit K9 East (Phone: 6166 8566.)
We will endeavour to see these patients within one week, or sooner if clinically indicated.
Additional information
For more information please see Tasmanian Burns Services.
Direct link to Health Pathways burns injury page.