Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Information about outpatient clinics for the assessment and management of adult respiratory conditions and includes assessment for supplemental oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, selected smoking cessation and mantoux testing. Please note most clinics are multidisciplinary clinics. Formal lung function tests and patient education may be provided in conjunction with the clinic.
The Department will periodically contact patients waiting for an outpatient clinic appointment via SMS, with a link to an electronic form. This is part of routine waitlist auditing to ensure patient details are up to date. If you receive this SMS, please update your details. Outpatient Central Services can be contacted on 1300 522 809.
North West
North West Regional Hospital
Phone: 03 6493 6300
Fax: 03 6464 1928
Mersey Community Hospital
Phone: 1800 636 455
Fax: 03 6441 5928
Smoking Cessation (nursing service)
Respiratory Clinic (including urgent referrals - please mark as urgent)
Phone: 03 6166 0000
Fax: 03 6234 3982
Respiratory (technician)
Phone: 03 6166 0042
Fax :03 6234 3982
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Phone the CF coordinator via switch 03 6166 8308
Possible TB - please mark Attention Dr David Stock
Phone: 03 6166 8438
Fax: 03 6173 0462
Wellington Clinics (Level 10)
Telstra Building (Level 5)
Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
Emergency conditions
Emergency conditions/symptoms require referral to the Emergency Department and include (not an exhaustive list):
- Acute respiratory failure (severe dyspnoea, central cyanosis, confusion, haemodynamic instability)
- Severe pneumonia
- Acute exacerbation of COPD with respiratory failure
- Acute severe asthma
- Pneumorthorax
- Pulmonary embolism
- Severe breathlessness
- Massive haemoptysis (over 200ml)
Emergency care
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Learn more about when to access emergency care and non-emergency care options if the injury or illness is not serious or life-threatening.
See Health Pathways for lung function testing, as not offered in public.
Sleep studies are not offered at Launceston General Hospital.
North West
This service is offered through General Medicine.
- Respiratory Function Unit: Lung function testing is performed at the Lung Function Unit.
- Patients less than 18 years of age to be referred to Paediatric clinics in the first instance.
- Referral to Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Smoking Cessation clinic is from within the Respiratory clinic after initial assessment.
- Interim Sleep Medicine Service - only available to Health Care and Commonwealth Senior Health Care card holders. Patients will require a fully completed RHH Sleep Clinic Referral.
Referral process
A referral is required for all new appointments and must conform to the referral standards. eReferral is now the preferred method of referral for this service and is available in All regions. Please refer via HealthLink SmartForm eReferral through your software system (either Best Practice, or Medical Director). For instructions, see the creating an eReferral quick guide.
Referrals are registered in the Specialist Clinic and triaged by the Consultant/Medical Officer when they are next in clinic.
If acute, patient should be directed immediately to the Emergency Department.
For Mantoux testing/BCG vaccination - please send through a valid referral to the Respiratory Clinic.
Please note the RHH Sleep Clinic Referral template and Frequently Asked Questions. A downloadable Sleep Referral template is yet to be implemented.
Appointments are based on clinical priority.
Where available, eReferral via HealthLink smart forms is now the preferred and only secure method of referral to the Tasmanian Department of Health.
Clinic appointments
Urgent (Category 1)
We will try to see these patients within four weeks.
Patients with suspected lung cancer will be seen within one week.
Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Respiratory Department and/or the relevant doctor for urgent assessment.
Semi-urgent (Category 2)
We will try to see these patients within 12 weeks.
Routine (Category 3)
Next available appointment.