Dyspnoea (undifferentiated breathlessness)
Outpatients | Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
This condition is treated in the Respiratory and Sleep Medicine clinic.
Emergency Referral Criteria
If any of the following are present or suspected, please refer the patient to the Emergency Department (via ambulance if necessary) or follow local emergency care protocols or seek emergent medical advice if in a remote region. Clinical judgement should always be considered in addition to these criteria.
Criteria for Emergency include:
Emergency Referral Criteria
- Clinical judgement
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Learn more about when to access emergency care and non-emergency care options if the injury or illness is not serious or life-threatening.
Statewide Referral Criteria (SRC)
Criteria for referral to public hospital specialist clinic services
Red flags are clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention. They may or may not indicate an emergency.
Urgent (Category 1)
- Uncertain diagnosis with severe symptoms
We will endeavour to see these patients within four weeks.
Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Respiratory Department and/or the relevant doctor for urgent assessment.
Semi-urgent (Category 2)
- Moderate dyspnoea (e.g. too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing/undressing)
Routine (Category 3)
- Nil category 3 criteria
Information to be included in the referral
(Referral may be returned without this)
Essential supporting information
- U&E
- Pulse Oximetry
- Spirometry if available
Additional information
- Details and timeline of symptoms including provoking and relieving factors
- Relevant medical conditions including comorbidities and past history
- Risk factors for coronary disease and thromboembolic disease
- Smoking and occupational history if relevant
Interim/GP management
To refer a patient with this condition, please see the Respiratory and Sleep Medicine clinic page for the full referral process and templates.
- Initial/interim management will depend on the suspected underlying pathology
- A trial of inhaled therapy would be appropriate if asthma or COPD is confirmed on lung function testing
- Smoking Cessation program
For more information: