Eye Infections / Inflammations
Outpatients | Ophthalmology (Eye)This condition is treated in the Ophthalmology (Eye) clinic.
Pre-referral work-up
The following conditions are not routinely seen at the Royal Hobart Hospital Eye Clinic and may be appropriately managed by the general practitioner, local ophthalmologist or optometrist:
- Chronic non-severe blepharitis with no corneal or structural lid changes.
- Chronic dry eye controlled with ocular lubricants.
All referrals should comply to the Standard Referrals guidelines and include in particular:
- Duration of condition
- Unilateral or bilateral
- History of allergic/viral/bacterial conjunctivitis with/out discharge
- History of contact lens use especially with ulceration
- History of photophobia or pain
- History of lid swelling or exophthalmos
- History of rash especially vesicular
- History of connective tissue disorders
- History of foreign body or foreign body sensation
- Pupil size and reaction to light
- Bacterial or viral swab where appropriate
- Fluoroscein staining for ulceration
Interim/GP management
To refer a patient with this condition, please see the Ophthalmology clinic page for the full referral process and templates.
Suspected sub tarsal foreign body: Evert upper lid and remove with cotton bud and check for corneal damage with fluorescein. Refer if unable to remove or if corneal ulceration.
Allergic conjunctivitis: Cessation of allergen. Commence conservative treatment such as lubricants, mast cell stabilisers and/or topical antihistamine. Refer immediately if reduced vision.
Bacterial conjunctivitis: Commence appropriate broad spectrum topical antibiotic for four days. Refer if unresponsive after 4 days or immediately if reduced vision.
Dry eye: Commence regular ocular lubricants. Refer if painful and unresponsive to treatment after 2 weeks. Refer immediately if corneal ulceration or reduced vision.
Blepharitis: Commence lid care and lubricants. Consider course of oral doxycycline if unresponsive. Referral if severe with corneal or structural lid changes. Optometrist or ophthalmologist report required if referral not urgent.
Herpes simplex dendritic ulcer: Commence appropriate topical antiviral. Refer immediately.
For more information please see the HealthPathways Tasmania website.
Clinic appointments
? Red location flags are clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention. They may or may not indicate an emergency.
Emergency - ring on call Ophthalmic Registrar to discuss.
? Painful red eye
? Red eye or discharging eye with reduced vision
? Preseptal and orbital cellulitis
? Suspected iritis
? Suspected herpes simplex or herpes zoster ophthalmicus
? Acute dacrocystitis
? Ulcerated, hazy or enlarged cornea
? Suspected acute angle closure glaucoma.
? Painful red eye with non-responsive mid-dilated pupil
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Learn more about when to access emergency care and non-emergency care options if the injury or illness is not serious or life-threatening.
Urgent (Category 1)
? Bacterial conjunctivitis unresponsive to 4 days of broad spectrum topical antibiotics
? Drug allergy persisting after removal of allergen
? Suspected vernal catarrh (a form of allergic conjunctivitis in a younger age group) with severe itch, stringy mucoid discharge and marked conjunctival thickening/cobblestone appearance
Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Consultant/Registrar to organise urgent review and the referral must be faxed.
We will endeavour to see these patients within ten days, or sooner if clinically indicated.
Routine (Category 3)
Allergic eye disease with no loss of vision
Next available appointment
THS Northern Region does not offer a public eye clinic. See Health Pathways for more information
North West
Wellington Clinics (Level 11)
Phone: 03 6166 0000
Fax: 03 6234 9454