Diabetes Clinic
Information about outpatient clinics for the assessment and management of complex diabetic patients.
The Department will periodically contact patients waiting for an outpatient clinic appointment via SMS, with a link to an electronic form. This is part of routine waitlist auditing to ensure patient details are up to date. If you receive this SMS, please update your details. Outpatient Central Services can be contacted on 1300 522 809.
Northern Integrated Care Centre
John Morris Diabetes Centre
Phone: 6777 4145
Fax (correspondence): 6777 5162
Fax (referral): 6777 5247
North West
Diabetes Centre
Phone: 6493 6100
Fax: 6431 8061
Devonport Community Health Centre
Phone: 6430 6591
Fax: 6441 5946
Mersey Community Hospital
Diabetic Antenatal Clinic
Phone: 6426 5586
Fax: 6441 5922
North West Regional Hospital
Diabetic Antenatal Clinic
Phone: 6478 5180
Fax: 6441 5944
Wellington Clinics (Level 9)
Adult Diabetes Service
Phone: 03 6166 0000
Fax: 03 6234 3982
Royal Hobart Hospital (Level 3, D Block - North)
Paediatric Clinics
Phone: 03 6166 8175 (please use the answering machine if line busy or after hours)
Emergency conditions
Emergency conditions/symptoms include (not an exhaustive list):
- Diabetes with ketoacidosis
- Unstable hypoglycaemia
Emergency care
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Learn more about when to access emergency care and non-emergency care options if the injury or illness is not serious or life-threatening.
John Morris Diabetes Centre (JMDC)
Model of care
The JMDC is the North diabetes service and as such sits under the THS state-wide Endocrine Service. The JMDC provides clinical services and consultation to people living with diabetes during the whole of life (paediatrics and adults). The provision of service is for people living with:
- Type 1 diabetes
- High risk and complex Type 2 diabetes
- Other diabetes, i.e. Type 3C, Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY), etc
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Pregnancy and pre-pregnancy counselling for women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
Education, training and clinical advice is also given to those associated with the above clinical population, such as families and carers.
The JMDC delivers services and consultation through:
- Outpatient specialist clinics: either nurse led, doctor led, or multi-disciplinary (via clinician referral for Specialists or self-referral for Nurse led clinics)
- Inpatient consultancy (via referral), and
- Secondary consultation (education to other clinicians, e.g. Nurses and Doctors).
The JMDC also offers group education and training within the NICS.
For urgent referrals, please call phone number 6777 4100 or see HealthPathways for direct contact phone number.
The JMDC prefers referrals to be completed on the JMDC multidisciplinary referral form.
Endocrinologist referral letters require either a name of specialist/endocrinologist specialist/ first available specialist. Please include patient summary, known allergies, medication list and recent pathology results (highly desirable Hba1c, UEC and lipids).
Pregnancy - Women with pre-existing Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and women diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus are to be referred to Obstetric clinics in the North.
Refer newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes to Diabetes Tasmania. Diabetes Tasmania Referral Form.
Referrals can also be made to a private Diabetes Educator in the community utilising a Team Care Plan.
North West
Information unavailable at this time.
Diabetes Services are aimed at Type 1 diabetes and those people with high-risk Type 2 diabetes with complications, including those with ketonuria, foot ulceration, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and failed adequate control of diabetes despite conventional medical management.
- For gestational diabetes, or pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes please refer to the High Risk Antenatal Clinic.
- For pre-conceptual planning and counselling of a diabetic woman please refer to the Gynae-Endocrine Clinic.
- For patients under 14 years old, please refer to Paediatric Diabetes Clinic.
Triage to the Young Adult Diabetes Clinic, Endocrine Nurse Clinic, High Risk Foot Clinic, Diabetes Emergency Clinic, Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring, Cystic Fibrosis Diabetes Multidisciplinary Clinic, Gestational Diabetes Group, Insulin Pump Clinic and Diabetes Educator Clinic is done by clinic specialty staff. Please refer to the Diabetes Adult Service or Paediatric Service or Antenatal Clinic and the patient will be allocated from there.
Not for service: Newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetics who require initial dietary management, education and monitoring training only. Please refer to Diabetes Australia or a private Diabetes Educator in the community utilising a Team Care Plan.
Referral process
A referral is required for all new appointments and must conform to the referral standards. eReferral is now the preferred method of referral for this service and is available in All regions. Please refer via HealthLink SmartForm eReferral through your software system (either Best Practice, or Medical Director). For instructions, see the creating an eReferral quick guide.
Specific requirements are detailed in the individual clinic and condition referral guidelines.
Referrals are accepted from Specialists, GPs and Allied Health Professionals but may be redirected to other services if other services are thought to be more appropriate.
Please indicate if a GP management plan and a GP Team care arrangement is in place and include the documents in the referral.
The JMDC prefers referrals to be completed on the JMDC multidisciplinary referral form.
Appointments are based on clinical priority and patients are allocated to the most appropriate clinic.
Please note if the referrer is not the regular GP that the nominated regular GP will be included in all correspondence to ensure continuity of care.
Where available, eReferral via HealthLink smart forms is now the preferred and only secure method of referral to the Tasmanian Department of Health.
Clinic appointments
Urgent (Category 1)
Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Consultant/Registrar to organise urgent review.
We will endeavour to see these patients within four weeks, or sooner if clinically indicated.
For urgent referrals to the JMDC, please call phone number 6777 4100, or see HealthPathways for direct contact phone number.
Semi-urgent (Category 2)
We will endeavour to see these patients within 12 weeks.
Routine (Category 3)
Next available appointment.
Additional information
Referrals for patients with Type 2 Diabetes needing Commercial Driver's Licence assessment will be accepted. These referrals will be Category 3 and will only be accepted if all elements of the Annual Cycle of Care are completed and noted in the referral, in particular details of diabetic education and cardiovascular assessment (including cardiology opinion if necessary).