Lipid Disorders
Outpatients | Cardiology
This condition is treated in the Cardiology clinic.
Emergency Referral Criteria
If any of the following are present or suspected, please refer the patient to the Emergency Department (via ambulance if necessary) or follow local emergency care protocols or seek emergent medical advice if in a remote region. Clinical judgement should always be considered in addition to these criteria.
- Nil emergency referral criteria
Statewide Referral Criteria (SRC)
Criteria for referral to public hospital specialist clinic services
? Red flags are clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention. They may or may not indicate an emergency.
Urgent (Category 1)
- Total triglyceride greater than 20mmol/L in patient having had episode of pancreatitis
Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Consultant/Registrar to organise urgent review.
Semi-urgent (Category 2)
- Patients with prior ACS, polyvascular disease and rapidly progressive CVD* and either:
- LDL greater than 2.6mmol/L despite (or intolerant to) medical therapy or
- DLNC score greater than 6 (i.e. likely heterozygous family history) - refer Dutch Lipid Network Score
*second or subsequent CV event despite appropriate therapy and compliance
Routine (Category 3)
- Significantly raised LDL (greater than 4 mmol/L) in high CVD risk patients despite initial medical therapy
- Difficult to control LDL (greater than 3.3 mmol/L) in CHD patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
- Severe mixed dyslipidaemia (TC and TG totalling more than 10 mmol/L)
- Young patients with dyslipidaemia with a family history of premature CAD or possible FH (DLNC 4-6)
- Severe hypertriglyceridemia (greater than 10 mmol/L)
Information to be included in the referral
(Referral may be returned without this)
Essential supporting information
- HbA1c
- Recent (within 3 months) fasting lipid results (cholesterol, TG, HDL, LDL)
- Nil essential
- BP
Additional information
- Details of all treatments offered and efficacy
- Relevant medical history and comorbidities especially cardiovascular disease
Interim/GP management
To refer a patient with this condition, please see the Cardiology clinic page for the full referral process and templates.
For more information please see HealthPathways Tasmania