The program is provisional and will be updated as planning proceeds. Please check this page regularly.
Friday 15 November
Time | Event |
07:30 | Registration Open |
08:30 to 08:55 | Official Opening |
08:55 to 09:00 | Speaker Christine Stirling – University of Tasmania – Platinum Sponsor Address |
09:00 to 10:00 | Keynote Speaker Dr Christine Pabico – Senior Director American Nursing Credentialing Centre, Pathway to Excellence ® |
10:00 to 10:10 | Lucky Door Prize |
Room | Plenary Room | Tasman Room A | Tasman Room B | Tasman Room C |
Chairs | Jason Bird & Alice Barrett | Hannah Yates & Stacey Higgins | Melissa Monk & Robyn McMillian | Samantha Heathcote & Julie Edrich |
10:40 – 11:00 | Supporting Enrolled Nurses to grow and develop their practice within a multidisciplinary team Julie Porter, Ida Cheek | Unleashing Midwifery Leaders: The North West Maternity Services Transition Project Adj. Professor Francine Douce, Ellanor Wootton | PIVC Excellence Ensuring Patient Safety Jackie Cosentino, Megan Bellette | Diving deep with Clinical Connect – integrating clinical skills and competency-based education Phoebe Macdonald, Elizabeth Rielly, Catherine Phillips |
11:00- 11:20 | Laughter is the best medicine Samantha Pretyman | Whole of Community Facilitator and the Student Support Plan tool; discussions from practice in NE Tasmania Rebecca Jacobs, Elaine Bentley | Sick Sink Syndrome: Shared Stories Empowering Safer Design Fiona DeSousa | Endorsed Private Practice Midwives lived experience of providing homebirth services in Australia Dawn Reid |
11:20- 11:40 | Paving the way: Positive Practice Environments in Primary Healthcare and Educational settings Kelley French, Jessica Isaac, Elizabeth Mackay, Madelin Reynolds, Ann Bingham | Soaring High with Endoscopy Nurse Training at the RHH Laura Roper | Client-led Single-Session Thinking for youth – diving deep into one need at a time Leonie Crosse, Fiona Savory | Private Patient Liaison Service: Impact on bed utilisation in a regional hospital: A two-year evaluation Matthew Bridges |
11:40 – 12:00 | Improving recruitment and retention through the delivery of the Clinical Supervision Workshop David Haslem, Joanna Brown | Making midwifery research relevant to early career midwives (42 degrees 40 Midwifery Innovation Drivers) Becky French, Sophie van Limbeek | Development of a dashbord to consolidate, simplify and visualise nursing & midwifery business information Marc Bester | Diversifying the workforce and expanding Enrolled Nurse scope of practice Cathryn Collins, Kelly Direen |
12:00 – 12:45 | Lunch & Exhibition | |||
12:45 – 14:15 | Concurrent Sessions | |||
12:45 – 13:05 | Thriving together: Navigating wellbeing and our journey to excellence Bianca Jack, Marnie Baker | Ward based clinical skills champions Gracie Hurd | “Do I see someone? Or do I keep quiet and hope?”: Isaac Region Mothers’ experiences of accessing maternity care with altered fetal movements. Felicity Doyle | Accessing sabbatical leave to strengthen skills and promote innovation Giuliana Murfet |
13:05 – 13:25 | The Gold-Standard – Continuity of Care and Support for the Student Midwife and Graduate
Yvette Story, | Transformational Leadership is the success to the introduction of Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing and Registered Undergraduate Student of Midwifery roles Amy Gaul, Anne Wallace | Revitalising the Royal Hobart Hospital’s Transit Lounge: Souring to new heights
Laura Callaghan, Patricia Bailey | Delirium Excellence: Developing a Delirium Education Program for Nurses Abbey Franz, Phoebe MacDonald, Samantha Finn |
13:25 – 13:45 | Soaring towards positive culture: insights on connection from a socially distanced service Elizabeth Berry, Gwyneth Delpero | Uniting to Soar: A story of two Tasmanian nurses growing their leadership capability Dana Gray, Giuliana Murfet | Nurse Led PICC Placement Using Intracavitary ECG Method: A Quality Improvement Initiative Athreides (Butch) Bayalan | Procedure videos to support rare clinical procedures in acute Cardiac Nursing, an implementation evaluation Jacqueline Colgan |
13:45 – 14:05 | Enrolled Nurse Strategy – towards a sustainable future nursing workforce Francine Douce | Evaluating Clinical Connects Venepuncture competency package Alison Copping, Andrea Middleton, Laura Roper | The intentional development of Therapeutic Nursing. Consider elevating your nursing practice to new professional heights Phillip Allardyce | Every Week Counts National Preterm Birth Prevention Collaborative: Safely reducing preterm and early term birth Erica Hadaway, Kristy Newett |
14:10 – 14:45 | Keynote Speaker Dr Zoe Bradfield – Assoc. Prof. of Midwifery and Australian College of Midwifery President | |||
14:45 – 15:05 | Speaker Lisa Hellwege – Founder and Director, Earworx Pty Ltd | |||
15:05 – 15:30 | Afternoon Tea & Exhibition | |||
15:30 – 16:15 | Keynote Speaker Stephanie Trethewey – 2024 Australian of the Year Tasmania, Founder & CEO Motherland | |||
16:15 – 16:20 | Winner Announced Delegate’s Choice Poster Competition | |||
16:20 – 16:30 | Symposium Close & Farewell |