What to eat if your mouth is sore
Download the What to eat if your mouth is sore fact sheet.
What does a whole day of eating look like?
Download the What does a whole day of eating look like? fact sheet.
Eating well newsletter articles
Access eating well articles for older people. Copy and paste them into your own newsletter.
Expression of Interest - Radiation Advisory Council
Expression of Interest (EOI) form to appoint a member to the Radiation Advisory Council (RAC) with expertise in radiation sources used in mining and mineral processing industry.
Webinar 6 - Dining with dignity
The focus of this webinar is:
The importance of maintaining dignity and choice as we age.
How ageing can affect our food choices and ability to eat independently.
Practical ways to support clients to choose foods that are meaningful to them.
Webinar 2 - Malnutrition in older people
The focus of the webinar is:
What is malnutrition and why does it matter?
How to identify nutrition risks or red flags.
How to support your clients to eat well at home.
Ways that nutrition links with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards in home care.
Webinar 4 - Food insecurity and older people
The focus of this webinar is:
Food insecurity - what it is and who is at risk.
What it looks like for older people.
Tasmanian's lived experiences.
Practical ways to support clients.
Webinar 3 - The how of eating
The focus of this webinar is:
What it means to eat well.
Eating well is more than just the food we eat.
Strategies to improve how your clients eat.
The importance of social mealtimes.