Healthy Ageing fact sheets
Please note
The information on this page is general only. If you have any health concerns or need individualised advice, talk to your GP or an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
Practical information to help health and community workers and volunteers:
- advise older people about how to eat well
- help clients have better nutrition
- provide people who are 'at risk' of malnutrition with appropriate information
- encourage older people to be physically active.
Sharing information
Ask the person if they would like information on this topic before you share.
Choose one or two fact sheets at a time. Too much information at once can be overwhelming.
We take in information in different ways. Take time to talk through the fact sheet. You can use the teach-back tool to check understanding.
Fact sheets
Click on a fact sheet to download and print.
Share electronic copies or print a hardcopy.