The Child Safe Governance Review Governance Advisory Panel met for the first meeting in Launceston on Tuesday, 23 August 2022.
Partnering for innovation in mental health
Tasmanian Minister for Health announces a new partnership between the Department of Health and the University of Tasmania to create a Centre for Mental Health Service Innovation.
Interactive youth postcard
Learn more about the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy project from the Department of Health (Tasmania)
Ambulance Tasmania launches Culture Improvement Action Plan
Ambulance Tasmania are proud to launch our new Culture Improvement Action Plan – an immediate and long-term commitment to build safe, supportive work environments of professionalism, dignity and, and respect.
Child Safe Governance Review
The Secretary, Department of Health will lead a Child Safe Governance Review
Safeguarding children and young people across our health services
The Tasmanian Department of Health is introducing important new plans to further enhance child safeguarding practices across Tasmanian health services.
LGBTIQ+ inclusive healthcare learning resources
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Healthcare – learning resources were developed for Tasmanian health sector staff.
Specialist Palliative Care Memorial Service
We warmly invite you and your family to attend our Specialist Palliative Care Memorial Service to remember those we have recently lost.
Tasmanian Bilateral Agreement for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
A media release from The Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP, Premier, Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Launceston General Hospital Implementation Program released
The Launceston General Hospital Precinct Masterplan - Implementation Program was released on 17 March 2022. The plan sets out a roadmap for the Precinct redevelopment.
Healthy Tasmania Five-Year Strategic Plan 2022–2026
Healthy Tasmania is the Government’s plan for preventive health in Tasmania. The Plan brings together communities, services and all levels of government to work in partnership for improved health and wellbeing.
Transition to high school, dealing with change program
The Transition to High School, Dealing with Change program is an early intervention and prevention initiative of Pulse Youth Health South.
GP After Hours Support Initiative - Applications Closed
The Tasmanian Government’s $3 million GP After Hours Support initiative was launched to help ensure more Tasmanians can access the essential services they need when they need to.
Hello my name is...
Read more about how name badges improve communication and connection for patients and staff.
Release of North West Maternity Services Review Report
An Independent Review of the Quality, Safety and Management of the North West Maternity Services was commissioned in November 2020 and the final report on the Review is being released today.
R U OK? Asking important questions this week and beyond
September 9th is R U OK? Day. This annual event aims to put a spotlight on mental health and encourages us to talk about hard things.
Statewide Elective Surgery Four-Year Plan
The Statewide Elective Surgery Four-Year Plan 2021-25 provides a focused road map for a sustainable statewide elective surgery and endoscopies program over the next four years.
National Stroke Week 2nd-8th August 2021
During National Stroke Week (2nd-8th August 2021) we are taking a look at how nutrition can help reduce the risk of stroke.
Super-charged soups
Soup is a great option when it’s cold and grey outside. Here, we give some ideas on how to make a soup meal as nourishing as possible.