The Department of Health has announced it is working with external engineering experts to develop a permanent solution to temperature control issues in older parts of the Launceston General Hospital (LGH) site and will implement the recommendations once received.
Lithuanian kayaker returns home after recovery in Tasmania
The kayaker who was rescued from the Franklin River in November during a 20-hour rescue operation is being discharged from the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) and is returning home to Lithuania.
Ensure you know the right health treatment options for your needs this Summer
The Department of Health is calling on Tasmanians to know the right treatment option for their needs as hospitals and the wider health system enter the traditionally busy summer season.
Restart a Heart Day
Every year, around 30,000 Australians and New Zealanders will suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and every minute a patient is in cardiac arrest, not receiving CPR or Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) shocks, the chances of survival drop by 10%.
Demand pressures at Royal Hobart Hospital and Launceston General Hospital
The communities of Southern and Northern Tasmania are being urged to consider the right treatment option for their needs and reconsider attending the Royal Hobart Hospital and Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department if it is not an emergency.
Opening of the Health nayri artwork
The Department of Health is pleased to officially open a new specially commissioned Aboriginal artwork as part of our commitment to improving cultural visibility within the health services we provide to the Tasmanian community.
New Detox@Home program to provide support and recovery in the community
The Tasmanian Government’s reform of alcohol and other drug services has reached a significant milestone with a trial of a new Detox@Home program to be launched in the State’s north and south.
Child safeguarding training effort builds staff knowledge and community awareness
Read about the Department of Health's ongoing commitment to significantly improve the culture across Health in Tasmania so that children and young people in our care feel safe, supported and empowered.
New partnership starts in northwest Tasmania
Read about the new partnership between the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) and Aboriginal Health Service (AHS).
Tasmanians encouraged to prepare and protect themselves from respiratory illnesses this Winter
Tasmanians are being reminded that as respiratory illnesses circulate widely this Winter, there are familiar steps we can take to protect ourselves and each other.
Families urged to be alert to the dangers of button batteries
A media release from the Chief Medical Officer.
THS North West escalation
A media release from the Deputy Secretary Hospitals and Primary Care.
Tasmanians urged to get the right care for their needs this festive period
A media release from the Deputy Secretary Hospitals and Primary Care.
Tasmanians urged to keep it COVID safe this Christmas to protect people at risk
A media release from the Director of Public Health.
Call for expressions of interest for Tasmanian child safety and wellbeing panel
A media release from the Secretary, Department of Health.
Royal Hobart Hospital and Launceston General Hospital escalation
A media release from the Secretary and State Health Commander.
Royal Hobart Hospital COVID Management
The Royal Hobart Hospital remains at level 2 of its COVID-19 Management Escalation Plan, but additional visitor precautions will commence on November 30 2022.
Respected Professor appointed to Centre for Mental Health Service Innovation
Tasmania welcomes respected Professor of Psychiatry to the Centre for Mental Health Service Innovation.
Partnering for innovation in mental health
Tasmanian Minister for Health announces a new partnership between the Department of Health and the University of Tasmania to create a Centre for Mental Health Service Innovation.
Safeguarding children and young people across our health services
The Tasmanian Department of Health is introducing important new plans to further enhance child safeguarding practices across Tasmanian health services.