Providing feedback
- We welcome your feedback.
- Your feedback, suggestions, compliments and complaints help us continue to improve our services.
- Download this guide to provide suggestions, compliments or complaints.
How to provide feedback
- Talk to one of our staff members at the service you attend.
- Ask one of our staff members for a form to provide written feedback or download and print a feedback form yourself.
- Submit feedback using our online feedback form.
Submit feedback for the Statewide Mental Health Service
A family member or carer can also provide feedback on your behalf.
Region |
Phone |
South/Forensic Health Services |
North |
North West |
What happens if I make a complaint?
If you, a family member or carer make a complaint, you can be assured that:
- it will be handled sensitively and confidentially
- it will not affect the quality of your ongoing care
- special needs and circumstances will be taken into account
- we will inform you about the progress and outcome of your complaint.
Who reviews my complaint?
- Our senior staff review and investigate any complaints.
- We may contact you for more information if required.
How can I get a response?
Please provide your:
- phone number
- postal address.
What happens next?
If you have asked for a response, we will contact you with:
- details of our process
- who you can contact
- when you should hear further from us.
Where to get more assistance
If you need further assistance you may wish to contact:
Advocacy Tasmania – support for you to have your say and ensure your rights are protected.
- Phone 1800 005 131 or visit the Advocacy Tasmania website
Official Visitors Program – for help, queries or concerns about mental health inpatient services.
- Phone 1800 001 170 or visit the Official Visitors website.
Health Complaints Commissioner – if you are not satisfied with a response to your complaint.
- Phone 1800 001 170.
Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.
Carer and Consumer Liaison.
CES and YES surveys
Our services are implementing the YES and the CES under the 5th National Mental health and suicide prevention plan.
Your Experience Survey (YES)
The YES survey is designed to collect information from consumers about their experiences of care.
By helping to identify specific areas where quality improvements can be made, the YES can support collaboration between mental health services and consumers to build better services.
Carer Experience Survey (CES)
The MH CES is about understanding the carer experience.