Oncology pharmacist
Northern Cancer Service

Oncology Pharmacists work with you and members of your treating oncology team to make sure the medicines prescribed are the best treatment for you. We are available to discuss medicines and to provide advice about the best way to take them. This is particularly important if you are starting a new treatment for your cancer as the Oncology Pharmacist is a specialist in this area.
Feel free to ask pharmacy staff any questions you may have about your medications. This is particularly important if you experience side effects or start a new medication. You can do this by asking to speak with the Pharmacist at any time during your oncology treatment, the pharmacist may be able to answer your questions at the time or they might schedule an appointment so that they can go over things with you more thoroughly.
The pharmacy can provide written information about any medicine you have been prescribed in the hospital as well as prepare medication lists with information about each medication.