Financial support
A cancer diagnosis impacts many people financially and can have long term flow on financial effects for patients and their families.
There are commonly additional costs for travel, medications and some tests associated with a course of treatment. Some people may need to change work patterns, take extended leave or give up work altogether. A cancer diagnosis can also mean changing carer roles or needing to get extra help, which can add more financial stress.
All treatments and appointments you have at the Northern Cancer Service are bulk-billed to Medicare, you won’t be charged any extra.
Financial assistance
We have Social Workers who can help you make plans or get you in touch with people or organisations who can help with the following:
- Patient travel;
- Emergency financial assistance
- Accessing your superannuation
- Medical certificates to cover leave from work (if applicable)
- Accommodation for treatment
It is good to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about what to expect with your treatment, it’s important that you are informed about any upfront or out of pocket expenses.
For more information about medications please see our pharmacy information page.
Social Workers can also help organise appointments with a Centrelink representative for people attending the Northern Cancer Service.
In Launceston, this can take place at the Cancer Council Tasmania Support Centre. In the North West, this can be at the North West Cancer Centre or Cancer Council Tasmania office.
Cancer Council Tasmania
Thanks to the generous support of Tasmanian donors, Cancer Council Tasmania are able to offer a limited amount of financial relief funding, available for people affected by cancer that are experiencing financial distress.
For further information, contact Cancer Council Tasmania on 1300 65 65 85 or speak with your health professional.
North West Cancer Fighting Fund
The North West Cancer Fighting Fund provides short term financial assistance to help families on the North West Coast.
Assistance can be in the form of a contribution towards a household account, or a grocery or fuel voucher.
Financial advice
The Cancer Council Tasmania Pro Bono Program can help if you need workplace, financial or legal advice. They can assist with legal issues, financial planning, small business accounting, or workplace advice by getting you in touch with a local provider. The service is means-tested. For more information please contact a Northern Cancer Service Social Worker or phone Cancer Council Tasmania on 13 11 20.
The Cancer Council also has a booklet ‘When cancer changes your financial plans: A guide for people with cancer, their families and friends’