Research and development
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
CAMHS research includes a broad number of research projects, focusing on the evaluation of new interventions and models of care in mental health services for children and young people. This includes new ways of increasing treatment efficiency and effectiveness for priority populations such as children in out of home care, neurodiverse children, and children in forensic settings. Related topics include better clarification of risk factors, impairment and consumer quality of life.
Adult mental health services (AMHS)
Our adult psychiatry team has a strong focus on clinical trials, conducting rigorous evaluations of some of the newest mental health treatments available, such as psilocybin. Alongside this focus there are a number of projects focusing on the delivery of modern therapeutic interventions for targeted populations, such as ACT for clients with a history of drug and alcohol vulnerabilities.
Eating Disorders
There is a growing focus on eating disorder research and evaluation as Tasmania develops an innovative and ambitious program of treatment for eating disorders spanning children and young people as well as adults.