Patient and child safety
What you need to know
Access to health care is a basic right for everyone in Tasmania. This means that everyone has the right to use healthcare services and to receive treatment when they need it.
The Department of Health is committed to ensuring our healthcare services are delivered in a safe environment that is free from threatening, violent or abusive behaviour for everyone.
If you experience or witness something that makes you concerned. You have a right to raise your concerns with us and to have your say.
What would a concern be?

If for any reason you are concerned about your condition, notice a worrying change, or think that something has been missed in your care (or the care of someone else), you have a right to speak up about your concerns.
If you're concerned, please view our Patient and child safety leaflet which is also available at all Hospital sites across Tasmania.
Do you have a concern to report?
- Our health services take all complaints and concerns very seriously and we have processes in place for people to report concerns.
- Patients, family members, staff and members of the public who have experienced or witnessed behaviour that caused them concern are encouraged to report it. This can include:
- aggressive or violent behaviour,
- breach of healthcare rights,
- behaviour or interactions you think are inappropriate,
- any sexualised behaviours or interaction with a child, or witnessed by a child,
- bullying or intimidation,
- sexual harassment.
- To report a concern within our health services fill out our Reporting Concerns of Inappropriate Behaviour Form.
- The form is easy to use, and the report can be made anonymously if you wish.
- If you are not sure what to do, or have an immediate concern, speak to a member of your healthcare team.
- If you are concerned for the safety and wellbeing of a child, you can contact the statewide Strong Families Safe Kids advice and referral line on 1800 000 123.
What happens if I report a concern?
- All information provided is confidentially recorded for review and is followed up as a priority.
- If you provide your contact details, we may follow up with you for more information.
- All appropriate action will be taken in response.
Who else can assist me?
The Tasmanian Health Complaints Commissioner, whose role is to protect the rights of health consumers.
The Tasmanian Commissioner for Children and Young People, whose role is to uphold the rights and wellbeing of children and young people in Tasmania under the age of 18.
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).
Children and young people
- All children and young people have the right to be safe and feel safe.
- Keeping children and young people safe is everyone’s responsibility.
- The Department of Health is committed to improving how we deliver services to children and young people, by implementing the recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s responses to child sexual abuse in institutional settings.
- The Department has developed a list of behaviours that children and young people should expect when accessing health services, and a feedback survey for children and young people.
Child safe organisations
- The Department of Health is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
- These principles provide a consistent approach across Australia to creating cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing.
Expectations of our staff
- We expect our staff to deliver high-quality health care to everyone in Tasmania, including children and young people.
- All staff are expected to play their part in ensuring our hospitals and health services are safe for children and young people.
- As part of our commitment to continued education, all Department of Health staff, volunteers and contractors are required to complete mandatory child safeguarding training.
Your healthcare rights
- Every person accessing healthcare in Tasmania has rights as part of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.
- The Charter describes the rights that you as a patient, or someone you are caring for, can expect when receiving healthcare.