Implementation Status: Recommendations of the Independent Child Safe Governance Review and the LGH Community Recovery Initiative
Recommendations of the Independent Child Safe Governance Review and the Launceston General Hospital Community Recovery Initiative.
Stay heat smart this summer
Simple steps everyone can take to stay safe during hot weather and heatwaves.
Creating an eReferral quick guide
View a quick guide with steps for creating an eReferral in Tasmania.
Reporting child safety concerns fact sheet
When you work for the Department of Health, you have a duty to report any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. The following information is here to guide and support you. It is also available in a fact sheet, which can be printed and displayed in your workplaces.
Disclosure of genetics results without consent guidelines
Read the guidelines on disclosure of genetic information to at-risk relatives without a patient’s consent from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Paediatric Genetics Clinic - What to expect at your appointment
Learn what to expect at your paediatric genetic clinic appointment with the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service.
MTHFR test information sheet
An information sheet about the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) test from the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service.
Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service - consumer information brochure
A brochure for consumers about the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service from the Department of Health (Tasmania).