Outreach funding programs
Outreach funding programs administered by TAZREACH have specific aims and service priorities.
Eligibility of service locations is determined by the Service Delivery Standards using the Modified Monash (MM) Model.
There are currently six programs administered through TAZREACH (listed below).
Bass Strait Island Agreement (BSIA) services#
The BSIA supports primary health services to the Bass Strait Islands to:
- enhance primary health services to the Bass Strait Islands
- broaden the range and choice of health services available
- support the provision of emergency critical care advice to clinicians during aeromedical evacuations within Tasmania
- provide a range of support services for upskilling, credentialing and training to health professionals working on the Bass Strait Islands.
Services under the BSIA are only available on Cape Barren Island, Flinders Island and King Island.
View the current list of primary health services funded through the BSIA to the Bass Strait Islands
Healthy Ears, Better Hearing, Better Listening (HEBHBL)#
The HEBHBL program provides audiology ear and hearing health outreach services for Indigenous children aged 0–21 and reduces the number of people suffering avoidable hearing loss, improving the coordination of hearing healthcare.
Services are eligible in MM 2-7 locations and administered using the Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards.
View the list of Tasmanian Aboriginal organisations that the services are available through
Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP)#
The MOICDP increases access to a range of health services, including expanding primary health for indigenous people in the treatment and management of chronic diseases. Its funding prioritises:
- diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- chronic respiratory disease
- chronic renal (kidney) disease
- cancer
- mental health
Services are eligible in MM 1-7 locations and administered using Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards.
Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF) services#
The RHOF improves health outcomes for people living in rural, remote and regional locations by supporting the delivery of outreach services by:
- nurses
- midwives
- allied health professionals
- medical specialists
- multi-disciplinary teams.
The four priority areas are:
- mental health
- maternity and paediatric health
- eye health
- chronic disease management.
Services are eligible in MM 3-7 locations and administered using the RHOF Service Delivery Standards. Please email TAZREACH for a copy of the current RHOF Service Delivery Standards.
View this list of services that are funded through the Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF)
Visiting Optometrists Scheme (VOS)#
The VOS supports optometrists and optical dispensers to provide visiting optometry services to rural and remote areas of Tasmania, including to Aboriginal organisations. Optometry services provided include:
- eye health screening
- vision testing
- optical dispensary
- referral to other eye health specialists
Services under the VOS are eligible in MM 2-7 locations and administered using the Outreach programs Service Delivery Standards.
View list of locations where Optometry services will be provided under the VOS
Coordination of Indigenous eye health#
TAZREACH also administers the Coordination of Indigenous Eye Health program.
The objective of the Coordination of Indigenous Eye Health program is to improve access to eye care services for Indigenous people through improved coordination of services and improved linkages between Aboriginal organisations and the range of services available.
This program is not related to outreach service provision and as such TAZREACH is unable to accept expressions of interest for funding under this scheme.