Smoke Free and Vape Free
A Toolkit for a Whole School Approach

- Smoke Free and Vape Free: A Toolkit for a Whole School Approach is available for use in all Tasmanian schools.
- The Toolkit aims to provide information and resources about policy, education and student support for schools to be smoke free and vape free.
- It is designed using a Whole School Approach based on a Health Promoting Schools Framework.
- It encourages a consistent, coordinated and comprehensive approach to the planning of school activities, programs, policies and environments being smoke free and vape free.
- The Toolkit is for school leadership, teachers, school health nurses, support and administrative staff.
- It was developed in collaboration with the Tasmanian education sector (Department for Education, Children and Young People, Independent Schools Tasmania and Catholic Education Tasmania) and the Smoke Free Young People Working Group.
- An additional video resource is available on YouTube:
The development of the Toolkit was guided by:
- World Health Organisation Freedom from tobacco and nicotine, Guide for schools, 2023
- World Health Organisation Nicotine and tobacco-free schools policy development and implementation toolkit, 2023.
The Toolkit brings together a suite of resources launched in 2023/2024 as part of the Smoking Prevention Package for Young People. This includes:
- Quit Tasmania’s ‘Don’t Let It In’ campaign, shaped by young people’s voices, through research conducted by the University of Tasmania
- Guide to Supporting Young People to Quit E-cigarettes
- Vaping, Youth and Health e-learning package for teachers and schools
- ‘Do you know what you’re vaping?’ resources for young people, parents and schools.
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Publication date:
Publication type:
Policies and guidelines
Last updated