Health System Dashboard - Monthly
The monthly Health System Dashboard provides an overview of statistics for the Tasmanian public health system.
The monthly Dashboard contains all of the statistics which were previously available on HealthStats.
The monthly Dashboard provides statistics for the most recent 13 months. Where appropriate, statistics are available for each major hospital.
Publication date: 31 January 2025.
See the daily Dashboard for statistics for the past seven days.
Data may vary from that previously published due to data reporting practices. Data will be reviewed and updated when required to provide accurate and relevant information.
Health System Dashboard - Monthly
The health system dashboard data displayed below is for December 2024.
Hospital admissions
patient admissions
Emergency department presentations
patient presentations
Emergency department departures
per cent departed within 4 hours
Emergency surgery and procedures
patient admissions
Elective surgery waiting list
patients on waiting list
Elective surgery admissions
patient admissions
Elective surgery patients seen within time
per cent seen within time
patients on waiting list
minutes median emergency response time
Mental health
per cent acute mental health facility readmissions
Breast cancer screening
eligible women screened
Oral health
patients on waiting list