Engagement with children and young people
The Child Safety and Wellbeing (CSW) Service is leading a range of engagement activities with young Tasmanians under the Child Safety and Wellbeing Framework.
A summary of activities being undertaken in 2023-2024 is provided below.
Creation of My Say, Our Voices book
The My Say, Our Voices book presents feedback from young Tasmanians about their ideas for how the Department can improve its services to children and young people.
Feedback was collected in 2023 at workshops in Burnie, Launceston and Hobart with past patients who had accessed Health services.

Learn more about My Say, Our Voices.
AGFEST report
In May 2024, the Child Safety and Wellbeing (CSW) Service hosted a stall in the Tasmanian Government Tent at AGFEST, Carrick.

Learn more about the team’s learnings from the event, including feedback we received from children
Children and Young People Advisory Group
A new Children and Young People Advisory Group (CYPAG) was established in late 2023 to provide the Department with a regular way to engage with young Tasmanians on its implementation of the Framework.
Learn more about the Children and Young People Advisory Group
Release of Child and Youth Safe Behaviour Resources for children and young people
The Department is pleased to launch resources to help children and young people understand the behaviours that they should expect from our staff.

Learn more about Child and Youth Safe Behaviour Resources for children and young people
Have your say!
If you are a child/young person who would like to share your ideas about how the Department of Health can strengthen services for young Tasmanians, you are welcome to get in contact to share your suggestions.
You can provide feedback by:
- send us an email with your ideas or to access our feedback tools, a simple survey and/or a hard copy mini-book that you can draw/write in.

What has the CSW Service learnt from young Tasmanians in 2023 and 2024
The CSW Service team has prepared a summary report of the feedback it has received from children, young people, and their families through their engagement activities progressed in the 2023 and 2024.

Access the report here to learn more
What are we doing with the feedback we receive?
The feedback we receive through our engagement activities is collected and analysed by the CSW Service. The information is used to inform evaluation of the Child Safety and Wellbeing Framework, and other initiatives aimed at improving the experience of young Tasmanians accessing our services.
Any safeguarding issues raised through our engagement activities are actioned as per usual Departmental processes, including fulfilling Mandatory Reporting obligations. Any practical improvement suggestions are forwarded to relevant work areas for their consideration.
If you have any questions about our engagement activities, reach out to [email protected]