Our facilities
On this page
- Learn about all the facilities and services available for patients and visitors at the hospital.
- For patient admission information, visit the For Patients section on our website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services
- A hospital liaison officer (HLO)is available at the hospital.
- They can help you and your family if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient.
- They provide emotional, social and cultural support.
- They also help you with discharge planning, accessing other services and follow-up care.
- Please contact us to arrange an HLO.
Admission Discharge Unit (ADU)
- The North West Regional Admission Discharge Unit is the central hub for patients being discharged.
- The ADU team will help with your discharge arrangements.
- The ADU is located on the ground floor of the hospital in the Medical Ward.
- It’s a designated pick-up zone for patients, families and carers.
- Patients may also be transported to the main entrance by our staff for pick up.
Counselling and spiritual care
- Illness, injury and time in hospital can be difficult for you and your family.
- We have social workers and multi-faith hospital chaplains who can help you.
- Please contact us to arrange these services.
Interpreter services
- We have a person available to help you understand health information if you don’t speak English or have hearing difficulties.
- This person is called an ‘interpreter’.
- This service is free and available 24 hours a day.
- Your interpreter can help by being with you in person, through video conference or over the phone.
How to book an interpreter
- Phone: 03 6166 7000
- Email: [email protected]
- After-hours and on-call (emergency): point to the interpreter or Auslan symbol at hospital reception.
Kiosk services
- Our hospital kiosk is on the ground floor of hospital, opposite pre-admission.
- We sell food, drinks, toiletries and gifts.
- There are indoor and outdoor eating area.
- A trolley is taken around the wards daily for patients to buy newspapers, magazines and snacks.
Opening hours
- Monday to Friday, 10 am to 4:30 pm
- Saturday to Sunday, 2 pm to 4 pm
- Public holidays, 2 pm to 4 pm
No smoking, alcohol and drugs
- You can’t smoke, use alcohol or illicit drugs at any of our hospitals or health centres.
- This includes in any building or facility, the grounds, or within five metres of their boundaries.
- Don’t bring them to hospital and ask your visitors not to bring them to hospital.
- This applies to staff, patients, visitors, contractors and anyone entering our buildings, grounds or vehicles.
- All external doors are alarmed after evening visiting.
- Entrance and exit to the hospital during 8.00pm to 8.00am will be via the Emergency Department.
- Mobile phones can be used in most areas of the hospital, including your room.
- We’ll let you know if you can’t use them.
- Bedside phones for patients are supplied.
- Instructions on how to use these are on the telephone handset.
- Public telephones are located at convenient positions around the hospital.
TV and radio
- Due to safety reasons, private electrical appliances, including television and radios aren’t allowed.
- Private battery-operated radios, mobile phones, iPads, iPods and tables are allowed.
- They must be used with headphones.
- We don’t accept any responsibility if any of your items are lost.
- There’s usually an interactive patient station at your bedside.
- You may have to pay for the television.
Last updated