Contact us
Emergency information#
Emergency Contact |
Phone number |
Ambulance Tasmania |
Launceston General Hospital |
Mersey Community Hospital (Latrobe/Devonport) |
North West Regional Hospital (Burnie) |
Royal Hobart Hospital |
Please contact us immediately if:
- your baby stops moving or there is an obvious change in your baby's pattern of movements
- you have trauma to abdomen, assault, serious fall, or car accident
- you have sharp pains in your abdomen with or without bleeding
- you have vaginal bleeding at any time
- you have recurring and persistent headaches
- you have persistent itchy skin, especially of hands and feet
- you have sudden onset of swelling to face, hands or feet
- you have blurred vision or spots before your eyes
- you have pain or burning when you pass urine
- labour has started and you feel it may be time to come to hospital
- you are at home labouring and require advice or reassurance from a Midwife
- you are less than 36 weeks and experiencing contractions or leaking amniotic fluid (from around the baby)
- your membranes rupture (leaking fluid from around the baby) and you’re concerned about the colour/odour, or labour does not commence
- you have been told your baby is NOT head down and start to labour or rupture your membranes
- you are booked for a caesarean birth and labour starts
- you identify any other pregnancy related concerns that you need advice for prior to your next antenatal appointment.
Perinatal and stillbirth Information#
If your baby stops moving or you feel an obvious reduction or change in your baby’s movements at any time during your pregnancy, please refer to:
Last updated