Northern transport and community travel
Transport and community travel
Many people living with cancer require assistance in getting to and from treatment. Our Social Work team are very happy to help with transport options.
There are a whole range of reasons why people may not be able to get to and from their cancer treatment. If you have any questions or need help, our team are always happy to help.
Metro Hospital Link bus
Metro Tasmania provides a Hospital Link service connecting North West Regional Hospital and Mersey Community Hospital. The route 85 Hospital Link service operates 365 days a year as a limited-stops service, connecting Burnie to Latrobe via Ulverstone and Devonport. It is wheelchair accessible with a trip time of approximately 70 minutes.
There are four (4) return journeys Monday – Friday, and two (2) return journeys weekends and public holidays. The return trip is free for patients/visitors. You will receive a token from the driver which you can validate at hospital reception to claim a free trip home.
For current fees and further information please contact 13 22 01 or view the timetable online
Cancer Council - Transport to Treatment
Transport 2 treatment (t2t) is a no-cost service for patients who otherwise could not get to cancer treatment. The service is made possible due to dedicated volunteers and public donations. Referral from your treatment centre is required for this program as bookings will be made by your team and are essential as places are limited.
Vehicles cannot accommodate wheelchairs. Please enquire at the time your treatment is being scheduled. For more information phone 6169 1907 or visit the Cancer Council Tasmania website.

Community Transport Services Tasmania (CTST/Community Car)
CTST provides non-emergency transport to medical appointments. Charges apply.
If you have not used the service before you will need to register by calling 1800 781 033.
If you have already registered, you can book through your local office.
Burnie District: 6425 3496
Circular Head District: 6452 3688
Mersey Meander (East Devonport): 6421 8706
West Coast: 6472 3713
Mersey Community Care
Mersey Community Care provides transport for people residing in Devonport, Latrobe, Kentish and Central Coast. A wheelchair bus with hoist is available if required. Charges apply.
To register you will need to be referred from My Aged Care, who can be contacted by phone on 1800 200 422.
Alternatively, you can contact Mersey Community Care by phone on 6424 8883.
Red Cross Transport Services Tasmania
For enquiries and bookings phone 1300 557 549. Charges apply.
Transport Access Scheme
The Transport Access Scheme provides assistance to people who have a permanent and severe disability. The scheme incorporates the Australian Disability Parking Permit and the Taxi Subsidy Scheme.
For enquiries phone 1300 135 513
Application forms and more information can be found online and at Service Tasmania shops.
Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (PTAS)
PTAS can provide some money back for travel and/or accommodation costs for Tasmanian residents to access specialist medical services.
You will be able to claim if you are travelling for treatment and you live more than 50 km (one way) from an oncology treatment centre.
PTAS forms are available from your referring medical specialist or GP, the Northern Cancer Service or through PTAS. Your referring specialist will need to sign a PTAS form as well as the specialist you are seeing. You can submit PTAS forms by mail or in-person to the PTAS office or local PTAS coordinator.
For further information you can contact the Burnie office as below.
PTAS Burnie office
Phone: 6477 7734
Fax: 6434 6998
Switch: NWRH 64936000
Mail: C/- Parkside Admin, Strahan St BURNIE 7320
Other PTAS coordinators:
Devonport Community Health Centre | 6478 6177 |
West Coast District Hospital | 6495 1550 |
Rosebery Community Health Centre | 6473 1144 |
Smithton District Hospital | 6478 9515 |
King Island Hospital and Health Centre | 6462 9900 |