Northern Cancer Service

The Chaplain is dedicated to provides friendly support to you and your family and is available to patients while attending our cancer services.
The Chaplain provides a ministry of pastoral care and concern to patients, their families and the hospital staff.
W.P. Holman Clinic, Launceston General Hospital
Chaplains can be contacted through the Holman Clinic staff or by contacting the LGH main reception 6777 6777.
You are always welcome in the hospital chapel for times of reflection and prayer. You will find it a warm, inviting and quiet place to be. The Chapel is located on level 3 of the LGH, along from the main entrance and is open 24 hours a day.
Worship services are held every Sunday at 10.00 am. Patients, relatives and staff are welcome.
Mersey Oncology-Medical Day Procedure Unit, Mersey Community Hospital
The hospital Chaplain can be contacted through the team during your treatment or via the main hospital reception on 6478 5500.
The Mersey Community Hospital Chapel is located on the second floor and is available for quiet time and reflection.
Pastoral care plays an integral part of the hospital’s daily activities and is available to patients, relatives and staff. This voluntary service consisting of trained chaplains who are available 24 hours a day to patients, their families and staff to provide pastoral care and counselling, spiritual and emotional support.
North West Cancer Centre, North West Regional Hospital
The hospital Chaplain can be contacted through the team at the Cancer Centre or via the main hospital reception on 6493 6000.
The North West Regional Hospital Chapel is located on the ground floor of the hospital, at the end of the corridor to the right of the main reception.