Toe and partial foot amputation
Lower limb amputation
Toe amputations are the most common form of amputation, and these may be performed anywhere in the state, by several different types of surgeons.
Simple surgeries may be conducted through a day surgery ward. A support person is arranged to take you home at the end of the day. More complex surgeries require a hospital admission.
It can take some time for a toe or foot amputation site to heal.

It is important that during this time that any weight bearing is kept to a minimum.
The reduced or limited weight bearing will look different for each person. It is important to follow the advice of your Health Care team.
The team will guide you on ways to help protect the foot to help healing and there may be limits to the amount of walking we recommend you do after your surgery to aid your recovery.
You may require the use of offloading devices or post-operative shoes, and walking aids such has crutches or a walker.
If you require special footwear, this will be arranged through team members such as physiotherapy, orthotics or podiatry.
If you require long-term offloading, Orthotists guide you on your options.
Wound management
Your healthcare team will prepare you for discharge, arrange any further services that you may require in your home. They will also arrange the ongoing management of your wound and dressing changes at home by the Community Nursing Team.