Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2024-2029
About the Tasmanian Drug Strategy
The Tasmanian Government is committed to reducing harms associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and building safe, healthy, and resilient communities.
On 30 January 2024, Cabinet approved the new Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2024-2029 (the Strategy).
The Strategy takes a health-focused, strengths-based approach to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use. The Strategy provides a framework that will encourage collaborative action and activities across agencies, organisations and the community.
The vision of the new Strategy is to create a Tasmania that is inclusive and safe for all people, without stigma or discrimination, where people are treated equitably and make informed health decisions when it comes to alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and can access support where and when they need it.
The Strategy is consistent with the harm minimisation approach of the National Drug Strategy 2017-2026 and will support actions under the three pillars of supply, demand and harm reduction.
View the Tasmanian Drug Strategy Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan One covers the period 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2025 and will undertake foundational work to support ongoing activities across the life of the Strategy.
Previous Tasmanian Drug Strategies
- Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2013 to 2018
- Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2013 to 2018: Report on Activities
- Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2005 to 2009
- Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2005 to 2009: Report of Actions and Achievements
Self-help resources
- Hello Sunday Morning’s Daybreak
- Turning Point
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- Positive Choices
- Head to Health
- ReachOut
- Cracks in the Ice
Support services
If you, or someone you know, is struggling with alcohol, tobacco or other drug use, seek help and support from family, friends, colleagues, or a GP.
You can also get support by contacting:
- National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline (1800 250 015)
- A Tasmanian Lifeline (1800 98 44 34)
- Lifeline (13 11 14)
In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)
More information
For more information, please email Public Health Services at [email protected]