Eating well for pregnancy fact sheet (Vegan)
A fact sheet for Vegans about eating well when planning a pregnancy and when pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Eating well for pregnancy fact sheet
A fact sheet about eating well when planning a pregnancy and when pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Spectacles Assistance Scheme application form
Download a printable version of the Spectacle Assistance Scheme application form from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Launceston General Hospital COVID-19 in Pregnancy Information Sheet
View information provided by the Launceston General Hospital Maternity Services about Coronavirus and its affect on pregnant women.
Launceston General Hospital - What will COVID-19 mean for your visit to the Maternity Unit?
View information provided by the Launceston General Hospital Maternity Services about what COVID-19 means for your visit to the Maternity Unit.
Breastfeeding and returning to work
A booklet with information you need to know about breastfeeding and returning to work from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Iron in pregnancy fact sheet
A fact sheet about foods that contain iron that you can eat while you are pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Alcohol information for when pregnant or breastfeeding
A fact sheet about alcohol and information when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding - the natural way to feed your baby
A fact sheet about breastfeeding from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Making infant formula safely fact sheet
This fact sheet shows you how to make infant formula safely.
Eating well when breastfeeding fact sheet (Vegan)
View a fact sheet about eating well when breastfeeding from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Eating well when breastfeeding fact sheet
View a fact sheet about eating well when breastfeeding from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Infant formula guide
A fact sheet about infant formula and how to choose the right one to use from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Disclosure of genetics results without consent guidelines
Read the guidelines on disclosure of genetic information to at-risk relatives without a patient’s consent from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Paediatric Genetics Clinic - What to expect at your appointment
Learn what to expect at your paediatric genetic clinic appointment with the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service.
MTHFR test information sheet
An information sheet about the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) test from the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service.
Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service - consumer information brochure
A brochure for consumers about the Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Expressing breast milk fact sheet
A fact sheet from the Department of Health (Tasmania) about expressing breast milk and storing it.
Breastfeeding - baby's behaviour before the first breastfeed fact sheet
A fact sheet about a baby's behaviour before their first breastfeed from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Breastfeeding - when to feed your newbown
A fact sheet about when to feed your baby while breastfeeding from the Department of Health (Tasmania).