Start Them Right booklet
A parent’s guide to eating for under 5s from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Vaping, Youth and Health e-learning package
The Vaping, Youth and Health e-learning package includes professional learning for teachers, support staff, and school health nurses to develop and deliver learning programs about e-cigarettes.
E-cigarette and vaping resources for young people
E-cigarette and vaping resources for young people
No smoking or vaping signs
Download the no smoking or vaping sign from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Eating well for pregnancy fact sheet (Vegan)
A fact sheet for Vegans about eating well when planning a pregnancy and when pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Drinking water for babies fact sheet
Tucker Talk resource about drinking water for babies from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Eating well for pregnancy fact sheet
A fact sheet about eating well when planning a pregnancy and when pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
How to feed children fact sheet
Tucker Talk resource about How to feed children from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Tasmanian Tobacco Action Plan 2022-2026
Tasmania's action plan for reducing use of tobacco and related products.
Food security in 2020 and beyond – the Tasmanian experience
Summary of feedback gathered about food insecurity in 2020-2021 to understand what was happening across the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Future Is Smoke Free
Download The Future Is Smoke Free: Your guide to supporting young Tasmanians to be smoke free.
Baby's first food (vegan) fact sheet
Tucker Talk resource about Baby's first food (vegan) from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Vegan eating advice for babies and children fact sheet
Tucker Talk resource about vegan eating advice for babies and children from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Alcohol information for when pregnant or breastfeeding
A fact sheet about alcohol and information when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Iron in pregnancy fact sheet
A fact sheet about foods that contain iron that you can eat while you are pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Move More and Sit Less poster - children 5-12 years
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for children aged 5-12 and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - young people (13-17 years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for young people and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - adults (18-64 years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for adults and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - older adults (65+ years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for older people and tips to get moving.