Implementation Status: Recommendations of the Independent Child Safe Governance Review and the LGH Community Recovery Initiative
Recommendations of the Independent Child Safe Governance Review and the Launceston General Hospital Community Recovery Initiative.
Stay heat smart this summer
Simple steps everyone can take to stay safe during hot weather and heatwaves.
Bushfire smoke and your health
A fact sheet about bushfire smoke and your health from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Gastroenteritis - a guide for institutions fact sheet
View the gastroenteritis guide for institutions fact sheet from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Diseases notifiable by laboratories
View the Diseases notifiable by laboratories fact sheet from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Diseases notifiable by medical practitioners
View the diseases notifiable by medical practitioners from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notifiable diseases in Tasmania - a guide for laboratories
View the notifiable diseases in Tasmania - a guide for laboratories from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Alerts and pop-up notifications
Learn how to differentiate between notifications and alerts when using TasScript.
Checklist for master of a vessel for supply of scheduled substances
In Tasmania, possession and supply of scheduled substances are regulated under the Poisons Act 1971 and Poisons Regulations 2018. The Poisons Regulations 2018 provides for the supply of scheduled substances to the master of a vessel.
Checklist for pharmacist and wholesaler supply to master of a vessel
In Tasmania, possession and supply of scheduled substances are regulated under the Poisons Act 1971 and Poisons Regulations 2018. The Poisons Regulations 2018 provides for the supply of scheduled substances to the master of a vessel.
Methadone Liquid – Biodone Forte (5MG/ML) - Medication administration charts
Download a medication administration chart for Methadone Liquid – Biodone Forte (5MG/ML) in various formats from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Buprenorphine/Naloxone (SUBOXONE® FILM) - Medication administration charts
Download a medication administration chart for Buprenorphine/Naloxone (SUBOXONE® FILM) in various formats from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Buprenorphine (SUBUTEX® TABLET) - Medication administration charts
Download a medication administration chart for Buprenorphine (SUBUTEX® TABLET) in various formats.
Buprenorphine (BUVIDAL® injection) - Medication administration charts
Download a medication administration chart for Buprenorphine (BUVIDAL® injection) in various formats from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Buprenorphine (SUBLOCADE® injection) - Medication administration charts
Download a medication administration chart for Buprenorphine (SUBLOCADE® injection) in various formats from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Methadone Syrup (5mg/mL) Medication administration chart
Download a medication administration chart for Methadone Syrup (5mg/mL) in various formats from the Department of Health (Tasmania).