Patient application for the review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances
Patient application for the review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances under Section 59E of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notice of drug dependency form
Download the form to notify of drug dependency as required by section 59 of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notification required for drug-seeking, misuse and inappropriate use form
Download the form to notify of drug-seeking, misuse and inappropriate use as required under section 59B of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notice of termination of authority to prescribe opioid substance use disorder treatment
Download the form to notify of termination of authority to prescribe opioid substance use disorder treatment from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Application for review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances
Download the form to apply for review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances as detailed under section 59E of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Requirements for seeking authorisation to prescribe ketamine for TRD
Download the requirements for seeking authorisation to prescribe ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) in Tasmania from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Fluoridation Committee Annual Report 2020-21
View the Fluoridation Committee Annual Report 2020-21 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Chief Psychiatrist Annual Report 2020-2021
Download the Chief Psychiatrist Annual Report 2020-2021
Move More and Sit Less poster - children 5-12 years
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for children aged 5-12 and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - young people (13-17 years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for young people and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - adults (18-64 years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for adults and tips to get moving.
Move More and Sit Less poster - older adults (65+ years)
The Move More Sit Less posters outline the ideal amount of physical activity for older people and tips to get moving.
Active Play, Sitting and Sleep - children 0-5 Years
The Active Play, Sitting and Sleep poster outlines the ideal amount of physical activity for children aged 0-5 and tips to get moving.
Physical Activity for Children 0-5 years
An infographic with physical activity information for children aged 0-5 from Healthy Tasmania.
Screens and Sitting for Children 0-5 Years
An infographic outlining how to sit less and have less screen time for children 0-5 years from Healthy Tasmania.
Sleep for Children 0-5 Years
An infographic outlining good sleep practise for children 0-5 years from Healthy Tasmania.
Physical Activity for Children 5-12 Years
An infographic with physical activity information for children aged 5-12 from Healthy Tasmania.
Sitting and Screens for Children 5-12 Years
An infographic outlining how to sit less and have less screen time for children 5-12 years from Healthy Tasmania.
Physical Activity for Young People 13-17 Years
An infographic with physical activity information for young people aged 13-17 from Healthy Tasmania.
Sitting and Screens for Young People 13-17 Years
An infographic outlining how to sit less and have less screen time for young people 13-17 from Healthy Tasmania.