Statement of Rights Seclusion and Restraint
Download a statement detailing your rights if you are secluded or restrained under Tasmania's Mental Health Act and what you can do if you think that your rights are not being respected.
Statement of Rights Forensic Patients
Download a statement detailing your rights as a forensic patient under Tasmania's Mental Health Act and what you can do if you think that your rights are not being respected.
Assessment Orders under Mental Health Act 2013
Download Assessment Orders under the Mental Health Act 2013
Amendments to the Mental Health Act 2013 Fact Sheet
Download a fact sheet detailing Amendments to the Mental Health Act 2013
Treatment Orders under Mental Health Act 2013
Download Treatment Orders under Tasmania's Mental Health Act.
Mental Health Act - Assessment Orders Presentation Slides
View the presentation slides on the Mental Health Act - Assessment Orders from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Mental Health Act - Capacity Presentation Slides
View the presentation slides on the Mental Health Act - Capacity from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Mental Health Act - Forensic Provisions Presentation Slides
View the presentation slides on the Mental Health Act - Forensic Provisions from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Tasmanian 'Asking the Question' Resources
Download resources that have been designed to help health staff ask the question "Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?" in a safe and respectful way.
Mental Health Act Guide - Official Visitors
Download the Mental Health Act Guide for Official Visitors
Application for licence or renewal of licence to sell or supply substances as a wholesale chemist
Download the form to apply for a licence or renewal of a licence to sell or supply scheduled substances as a wholesale chemist as detailed under section 16(1)(b) of the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 5 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for permit to purchase a Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Substance for scientific purposes
Download the form to apply for a permit to purchase a Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Substance for industrial, educational, advisory or research purposes as detailed in the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 6 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for authorisation to obtain, possess, and supply Schedule 7 Appendix J substances
Download the form to apply for authorisation to obtain, possess, and supply Schedule 7 Appendix J substances as detailed in the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 91 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for licence to sell or supply certain Schedule 2 substances (Country Store Licence Application)
Download the form to apply for a licence to sell or supply certain Schedule 2 substances (Country Store Licence Application) as detailed under section 27 of the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 80(2) of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Acknowledgement of Country – Tips and information
An Acknowledgement of Country shows respect for Aboriginal people and recognises their ongoing connection to culture, language and country.
Learn more about cultural respect
This list has been generously compiled by Jillian Mundy – proud palawa woman, photo journalist and filmmaker.
Process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe psychostimulants
View a flowchart of the process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe schedule 8 psychostimulants under section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe narcotics
View a flowchart of the process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe schedule 8 drugs under section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Information for applicants document for narcotic medicines
Review of a decision of an application to prescribe narcotic substances under Section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Information for applicants document for psychostimulant medicines
Review of a decision on an application to prescribe Schedule 8 psychostimulants under Section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).