Launceston General Hospital COVID-19 in Pregnancy Information Sheet
View information provided by the Launceston General Hospital Maternity Services about Coronavirus and its affect on pregnant women.
Launceston General Hospital - What will COVID-19 mean for your visit to the Maternity Unit?
View information provided by the Launceston General Hospital Maternity Services about what COVID-19 means for your visit to the Maternity Unit.
Breastfeeding and returning to work
A booklet with information you need to know about breastfeeding and returning to work from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Alcohol information for when pregnant or breastfeeding
A fact sheet about alcohol and information when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Iron in pregnancy fact sheet
A fact sheet about foods that contain iron that you can eat while you are pregnant from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Application for licence or renewal of licence to sell or supply substances as a wholesale chemist
Download the form to apply for a licence or renewal of a licence to sell or supply scheduled substances as a wholesale chemist as detailed under section 16(1)(b) of the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 5 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for permit to purchase a Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Substance for scientific purposes
Download the form to apply for a permit to purchase a Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Substance for industrial, educational, advisory or research purposes as detailed in the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 6 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for authorisation to obtain, possess, and supply Schedule 7 Appendix J substances
Download the form to apply for authorisation to obtain, possess, and supply Schedule 7 Appendix J substances as detailed in the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 91 of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Application for licence to sell or supply certain Schedule 2 substances (Country Store Licence Application)
Download the form to apply for a licence to sell or supply certain Schedule 2 substances (Country Store Licence Application) as detailed under section 27 of the Poisons Act 1971 and Regulation 80(2) of the Poisons Regulations 2018.
Process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe psychostimulants
View a flowchart of the process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe schedule 8 psychostimulants under section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe narcotics
View a flowchart of the process for assessing and granting authorities to prescribe schedule 8 drugs under section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Information for applicants document for narcotic medicines
Review of a decision of an application to prescribe narcotic substances under Section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Information for applicants document for psychostimulant medicines
Review of a decision on an application to prescribe Schedule 8 psychostimulants under Section 59E of the Tasmanian Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Patient application for the review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances
Patient application for the review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances under Section 59E of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notice of drug dependency form
Download the form to notify of drug dependency as required by section 59 of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notification required for drug-seeking, misuse and inappropriate use form
Download the form to notify of drug-seeking, misuse and inappropriate use as required under section 59B of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Notice of termination of authority to prescribe opioid substance use disorder treatment
Download the form to notify of termination of authority to prescribe opioid substance use disorder treatment from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Application for review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances
Download the form to apply for review of a decision on an application to prescribe narcotic substances as detailed under section 59E of the Poisons Act 1971 from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Requirements for seeking authorisation to prescribe ketamine for TRD
Download the requirements for seeking authorisation to prescribe ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) in Tasmania from the Department of Health (Tasmania).