Round 2 Hospital Avoidance Co-Investment Scheme Guidelines and Application form

The application form should be read in conjunction with the Grant Guidelines
Applications close Wednesday 28 September 2022
Hospital Avoidance Co-Investment Fund Guidelines 2022
In 2021 the Tasmanian Government committed $1.0 million for a Hospital Avoidance Co-Investment fund, to match private sector investment on a dollar-for-dollar basis to support capital upgrades for GPs, Pharmacies and Primary Care providers who will improve or expand their facilities in order to deliver more after-hours services. In August 2021 the first Hospital Avoidance Co-Investment Fund Round was released.
The second round will open on 31 August 2022 with over $800,000 being available, to complement the release of the Primary Care Support Initiative Round 3 on the 19 August 2022.
Defining After Hours
For the purposes of this funding round after hours services have been separated into sociable hours (6pm – 1pm weeknights and 8am – 12 noon Saturdays) and unsociable hours (11pm – 8am weeknights and 12 noon Saturdays, all day Sundays and public holidays).
Defining Urgent Care Services
Urgent care is care for unforeseen, episodic, non-life, non-limb threatening conditions requiring immediate medical attention to prevent further, potentially serious, deterioration in health. Urgent care services frequently require access to diagnostic support.
Eligible applicants
To be eligible to apply for grant funding, the applicant must:
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Be a general practice or pharmacy or be a primary care service linked to a general practice through an agreed referral process
- Have been operating continuously since 31 January 2022, and currently operating and providing services to Tasmanians
- Provide two person contact details and
- Not be subject to any legal action or proceeding, including bankruptcy or liquidation.
Applicants must be currently providing or be able to demonstrate plans (through a business case) to provide in hours and after hours (including weekend) services.
Applications from consortia are encouraged but will be considered as a single application.
- Medical deputising services are not eligible to apply.
- Sub-contracting of services is not permitted.
- Treatment of vulnerable patient cohorts and communities in need of primary care in hours and after-hours services, including but limited to:
- Priority population groups (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, LBGTQI+, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), people experiencing homelessness, or people living with disability, or
- Regional, rural and remote communities (Modified Monash Model classification 4 – 7)
- Treatment of patients in need of a primary care after hours health services, including “urgent” care services (sociable and unsociable hours).
In addition, applicants must demonstrate that their facility has or plans to have,
- appropriate, monitored waiting area
- private examination rooms
- appropriate nurse and/or allied health, and administrative support
- protocols for the transfer of patients to a hospital emergency department as appropriate
- any other amenities as specified by the Department required to sure the delivery of safe clinical services.
Grant Funding
The Tasmanian Government will administer the payment of all contributions by way of grant. The Tasmanian Government’s obligation to make any contribution is subject to the Applicant entering into a grant arrangement with the Tasmanian Government on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Tasmanian Government. Those terms and conditions may vary depending on the proposed use of the grant funds. Without limitation, any grant of funds will be subject conditions which ensure:
- progress against agreed grant activity milestone and outcome;
- submission of agreed data;
- financial accountability for the use of grant funds and Applicant contributions
- that grant funds are used for the approved purpose;
- compliance with all Commonwealth, State and Local Government requirements;
A maximum amount of $200,000 per successful application is available. While it is the intent that the Tasmanian Government will contribute funds on a ‘dollar for dollar’ basis, any offer of grant funding will be at its discretion and based on its assessment of each Application.
Applicants can only submit one application for grant funding, except in cases where an Applicant operates multiple service locations.
The funds will be allocated on a dollar-for-dollar basis with funding recipients required to match any amount of Tasmanian Government funding.
For example, if the grant application is for $200,000 the funding recipient must contribute funds of $200,000 to a total of $400,000.
Co-contributions will be in the form of evidence of capacity to make a direct cash injection or loan letter of offer from a financial institution.
In kind contributions will not be considered as a co-contribution.
Designated Use
Upon completion of the infrastructure project, the funding agreement will require the infrastructure to be used, consistent with the intended use as outlined in the application and as stated in the funding instrument.
Permissible use of funds
Consistent with the services to be provided, as detailed in these guidelines regarding treatment of vulnerable patient cohorts and communities in need of primary care in hours and after-hours services, and treatment of patients in need of a primary care after hours health services, including “urgent” care services (sociable and unsociable hours):
- Direct construction and/or renovation on an existing building, or construction of a new addition where the new building would be functionally related. Costs could cover fit-out, labour and materials for builders, plumbers, electricians, etc.
- Fit-out for newly constructed extension to an existing premise as described above.
- Supply and installation of information and communication technology equipment (eg video conferencing equipment) including both hardware and software; for either specialist/allied health case management patient consultations or training/ health literacy purposes. Clinical software should be approved for connection to the My Health Record system and have the ability to upload Shared Health Summaries.
- Supply and installation (as appropriate) of medical and diagnostic equipment.
- Independent Project Management fees up to 5% of the total grant funding for the purpose of the project.
- Professional fees for the design of the infrastructure project.
- Professional fees for legal and accountancy advice relating directly to the infrastructure project; or Application fees for Development Approval, Building Permits and other building approval expenses.
The following types of activities will not be funded under the Fund:
- Constructing new premises to establish a new health facility service or business
- Retrospective items or activities, including an infrastructure project that has been contracted, commenced or completed prior to the execution of a funding agreement
- Ongoing operating (recurrent) costs (e.g. rent, utilities, salaries, maintenance, insurance)
- Ongoing annual fees for use of computer software or licenses
- The purchase of consumables (other than a consumables pack that may be supplied with equipment on delivery)
- Purchasing or fitting out a mobile medical unit/vehicle
- The purchase of existing premises, businesses or land
- Travel and accommodation
- Extending/fitting out premises for which the applicant does not have tenure as at the date the application is submitted
- Provision of health services
- Purchasing or leasing of motor vehicle
- Medical deputising services.
Successful applicants will be required to provide regular, detailed reports to the Department against a set of indicators and data requirements. This will be detailed in the Grant Deed.
In addition, applicants agree to participate in a program evaluation conducted by the Department of Health.
Applications will open Wednesday 31 August 2022 and will close 5pm Wednesday 28 September 2022.
(The Department of Health reserves the right to extend the funding round/period if required).
Applications must be in writing and provide:
- A detailed business case including but not limited to:
- geographical area to be served
- services to be provided
- identifies patient cohort or community
- supporting infrastructure/services as applicable
- staffing model
- opening hours
- fee structure
- benefits
- cost
- risks and mitigation strategies
- identified interdependencies
- implementation plan, (including timeframe to commencement of service delivery, marketing etc.)
- A list of medical conditions able to be safely treated
Applications should be made using a prescribed format/template that is available from the website https// or on request via email on [email protected] .
Applications will be acknowledged by return email.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Assessment of applications
Applications will be assessed on a competitive basis having regard to:
- Eligibility
- Demonstrate that the program presents value for money, with a realistic outcome being to increase the access to after hour care services in Tasmania, through meeting a service gap or facilitating people being treated in the right place and the right time (assessed through submission of a Business case)
- Innovation in service delivery (assessed through submission of a Business case)
- Evidence of a service need with a focus on vulnerable patient cohorts or communities
- Evidence of a gap in current service delivery for the identified cohort or community
- Ability to work in partnership across health professions to service the identified cohort or community (eg: GPs working with diagnostic services, pharmacies and/or community nurses)
Administration and contact details
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a grant arrangement based on Tasmanian Government standard terms and conditions.
The Department of Health will require data from successful applicants to evaluate the impact of the service.
More information and queries can be directed to [email protected] or by phoning 6166 0394.
Enquires about this request for grant proposal
If you have any questions, please contact:
Name: Alison Colebrook
Telephone: 03 6166 0394
Email: [email protected]
Address: Level 2, 22 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7001
GPO Box 125, Hobart Tasmania 7001
Lodgement of proposals:
All proposals may be submitted electronically by emailing the contact officer as per the details in the guidelines. Late applications will not be accepted.
If an organisation is not able to submit its applications electronically or by the close by date, they are advised to contact the Contact Officer (above).
Email submissions to: [email protected].
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