Right to Information Decision RTI202122-039
Below is a summary of the information requested. Please download the whole report to read the decision and access information released.
The information requested:
1. The treatment timeframes for each triage category used by Oral Health Services Tasmania
2. The percentage of patients seen within the treatment timeframes
3. The average waiting time for people removed from the ‘General Care’ and ‘Denture’ waiting lists
4. The longest time waited by people removed from the ‘General Care’ and ‘Denture’ waiting lists
5. The risk categories applied to the oral health status of children
6. The target visit frequency for children in each risk category and the percentage of targets which are met
7. The average waiting time for people referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Unit
8. The current expected waiting time for adults who require general anaesthetic in order to received dental treatment
9. The current expected waiting time for children who require general anaesthetic in order to received dental treatment
10. What, if any, prioritisation method is applied to the patient cohort requiring general anaesthetic (both adults and children) and what is the average wait time for each priority level?
11. Information against 1 – 10 above broken down by region. Time period: financial years 2019-20 and 2020-21
Pursuant to s13(7) of the Right to Information Act 2009, the applicant agreed to refine the request as submitted for point 2, 3, 8 and 9.
2. The percentage of adult patients seen within the treatment timeframes
3. The median waiting time for people removed from the ‘General Care’ and ‘Denture’ waiting lists
6. The target visit frequency for children in each risk category and the percentage of targets which are met
8. The median waiting time for adults who require general anaesthetic in order to received dental treatment
9. The median waiting time for children who require general anaesthetic in order to received dental treatment.
See the full Right to Information Disclosure Log
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