Help and support moving forward brochure
Lower limb amputation

“Even now I am in my fourth year and have adjusted to my new life, I would like support sometime. But who do I go to?” – Tasmanian Client with Limb Loss
As you move forward in life you may need help and support to live your full life. Your General Practitioner (GP) is your first point of contact for health matters. Your GP can refer you to help and support services. There are public (government) and private (non-government) health and support services.
Wheelchair or mobility equipment
Your wheelchair and mobility equipment may need review. If your equipment needs adjusting or fixing contact the equipment supplier. Check your equipment for the supplier details. The Tasmanian Health Service equipment supplier is TasEquip (phone 1300 827 378).
Your GP can refer you to allied health services for review of your equipment needs. You can also seek allied health services in the private health sector.
Physical mobility
Your balance, movement and strength may change, and this can affect your physical mobility. Your GP can refer you to allied health services to assess your mobility. These services might include physiotherapy or occupational therapy. You can also seek allied health services in the private health sector.
If you are a prosthetic user, your prosthesis is designed to last several years. You will have received advice about how to maintain and care for your prosthesis. Following this advice will extend the life and comfort of your prosthesis.
The Tasmanian Health Service provide prosthetic services at Orthotic Prosthetic Services Tasmania (OPST) and the Amputee Clinic.
Orthotic Prosthetic Services Tasmania (OPST)
OPST clinics can be found in the North, North-West and South of the state.
If 12 months have passed since your last OPST appointment, a new GP or allied health referral is required. If you are a current client (the past 12 months) contact:
OPST North
- Phone: 6777 8562
- Email: [email protected]
OPST North West
- Phone: 6493 6272
- Email: [email protected]
OPST South
- Phone: 6166 7377
- Email: [email protected]
Amputee clinic
Review of your prosthesis is recommended at least every 12 months. Attending the Amputee Clinic will ensure review of your prosthesis. It is also a chance to check that your prosthesis is meeting your needs in daily life. The Amputee Clinic is in Hobart and is available to all Tasmanians with a public-funded prosthesis. If you are not a current clinic client, you will need a medical referral to attend. Contact:
Amputee Clinic
- Tasmanian Health Service
- Phone: 6222 7763
Private sector prosthetists
The Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association website lists prosthetists working in the private sector.
- Website:
Pain or skin changes in the residual limb
If you have urgent pain or skin issues contact your GP or local emergency department. Contact your GP or prosthetic provider if your prosthesis is the cause of pain or skin changes. The GP may refer you to the Amputee Clinic for prosthetic review.
Help at home
My Aged Care
The Australian Government funds and subsidizes aged cage support services for people over 65 years of age (over 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people). My Aged Care is the starting point for your aged care journey. For information about eligibility and how to access these services.
- Phone: 1800 200 422
- Website:
Tasmanian Community Care Referral Service
The Tasmanian Community Care Referral Service provides information about home and community care services, and organizes referral to services. This service is for people under 65 years (under 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people).
- Phone: 1300 769 699
- Email: [email protected]
Emotional support
Life is full of challenge and change, ups and downs. It is important to be aware of your mental well-being and the well-being of those around you.
You may have concerns about your mental well-being and your feelings. You may want someone to talk to. Speak with your GP or contact mental health support services.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue has information and support to help you achieve your best possible mental health.
- Phone: 1300 224 636
- Website:
- (links to call, email, webchat, online forums)
At times you may feel low, sad, or worried. You may feel overwhelmed and finding it difficult to cope. Lifeline offers support at times of emotional distress.
- Phone: 13 11 14
- Website:
- (links to call, email, chat, text)
Talking to someone with experience of amputation or limb difference. You may wish to speak with someone who understands the experience of limb loss.
Tasmanian Amputee Society
The Tasmanian Amputee Society can provide you with information and peer support.
- Phone: 0467 915 864
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life can provide knowledge and support to assist you in living your best life.
- Phone: 1300 782 231
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Support for your carer
Carer Gateway
Access carer support services through the Carer Gateway. Call Carer Gateway to talk through your needs and find local services and support to assist you.
- Phone: 1800 422 737
- Website:
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS is for people under 65 years of age who live with permanent and significant disability.
- Phone: 1800 800 110
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Tasmanian Amputee Society
The Tasmanian Amputee Society can also assist you with inquiries around accessing the NDIS.
- Phone: 0467 915 864
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Document accessibility
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you are having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.