What is self-collection?
Self-collection is an alternative process for women who have never-screened or not screened regularly, to have a cervical screening test.
Self-collection of a cervical screening test must be performed under the supervision of your healthcare provider. You can collect the sample yourself in private.
Who is eligible for self-collection?
Self-collection of a cervical screening test is for women aged 30 years and over, and who:
- have never had a cervical screening test before; or
- are overdue for a cervical screening test by two years or more.
Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to decide if you are eligible to do a self-collection test.
If at any time you have symptoms, such as pain, unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding or recent persistent unusual changes, you should see your doctor or healthcare provider straightaway.
For more information on self-collection visit the Australian Government Department of Health website and speak to your GP.