Compliance testing
Compliance testing - radiation sources
Prescribed Radiation Sources such as X-ray , LASER and equipment containing Radioactive Material must not be used without a current Certificate of Compliance(CofC) which ensures that the radiation sources are safe to use .
It is the responsibility of the licence holder to ensure all radiation sources under the licence has a current CofC.
The certification period is given in Regulation 6 of the Radiation Protection Regulations 2016.
Compliance testing - new equipment
A licensed seller or manufacturer (in Tasmania) may issue Certificate of Compliance for a new radiation source . The installation and testing must be completed in accordance with the manufacture’s recommendation. No further compliance testing is required from an accredited tester.
Compliance testing - existing equipment
- Ongoing compliance must be assured by having an accredited person to test and re-certify a radiation source.
- As the licence holder, it is your responsibility to have radiation sources you use periodically tested and certified.
- The certification period is given in Regulation 6 of the Radiation Protection Regulations 2016.
- A radiation source must not be used unless it has a current certificate of compliance.
- To arrange testing and certification, contact one of the accredited testers
- A letter reminding you to organise testing and re-certification of radiation sources is sent approximately eight weeks before the current CofC expires.
Compliance testing - radiation places
Certificate of Compliance for Premises where radiation sources are used or stored, do not expire unless for the following:
- if there is a major change or shielding modification of the practice
- if there is significant increase (e.g. above 10 keV) in the radiation output for x-ray apparatus or significant changes in the use of premises for Radioactive Material
- if there is significant increase in workload.
For above instances, existing CofC for the premises will expire and new shielding assessment must be carried and re-certified by an accredited person. This is to make sure that premises are safe to occupy.