Health literacy resources and background
Here is a range of resources to support individuals, service providers, organisations and communities to be more responsive to health literacy needs.
Health Literacy Basics (what/why)#
- Why is Health Literacy important - infographics from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Literacy and numeracy - resources 26Ten Get the tools for life 26ten website
- Research and data - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ABS Data
Initiatives in Tasmania#
Here is information about some of the current health literacy initiatives in Tasmania.
2022 Health Literacy Forum
- 2022 Health Literacy Forum Session One (1hr 44min)
- “Getting beyond the average to find better and more equitable ways” from the 2018 ABS Tasmanian Health Literacy Cluster analysis by Dr Shandell Elmer (19:40)
- Social Prescribing in Libraries with Nerida Dye.
- 2022 Health Literacy Forum Session Two (1hr 16min)
- What’s happening in Tasmania: Snapshots of activities, projects or research that is happening across Tasmania.
2019 "What matters to you?" Health Literacy Forum
- Don Nutbeam - Health Literacy – what is it; why it matters and what to do about it - Presentation
- Don Nutbeam - Health Literacy – what is it; why it matters and what to do about it - Slides
2017 Health Creator's Forum
- Chris Pointon and Jessica Bean - Hellomynameis ambassador
- Chris Pointon Keynote presentation
- Jessica Bean presentation
2015 Building a Health Literate Tasmania
- Presentation - Lucy Vellar and Fioriana Mastrioanni - Plan for becoming a health literate organisation Powerpoint slides.
- Presentation - Dr Alison Beauchamp - Health literacy a resource for improving health outcomes and reducing health inequity Powerpoint Slides
Tools - How to...#
- 'Ask, Tell, Ask' poster
- Build a Health Literate organisation - HelloTas
- Engage with consumers - Ace it tool Flourishtas
- Improving Aboriginal cultural awareness in the workplace Aboriginal Health
- Use Government icons
- Remember health literacy principles using Communication Checklist
- Write clearly - 26TEN Communicate Clearly Booklet
Videos and Examples#
Here are a range of videos including examples which are useful to remind us about key aspects, or for training, sharing and presenting on different aspects of health literacy.
What is Health Literacy?
- What is health literacy – Ophelia
- Health Literacy – it doesn’t matter where you start
- ‘Dr Lisa on the street’ – are you confused about health information? You're not alone.
Working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities:
- Steps towards cultural awareness
- Working with interpreters
- Tips for communication
- Tips and advice
- Case study Community Podiatry
- Simple yet effective communication tool used to check understanding Teach-back
The following videos focus on written and verbal communication.
- 'This is bad enough' Elspeth Murray (written)
- Dr House – asthma inhaler (verbal)
- Teachback for Street Outreach (verbal)
- Empathy vs sympathy (verbal)
- Mr Smith's smoking evolution (verbal)
- It's not about the nail (listening)
Research and Articles#
There is so much being written about health literacy. Here are a few key articles:
- Optimising Health Care for Tasmanians, Elmer, S., Cheng, C., & Osborne, R. (2022). Swinburne University of Technology. An analysis of the health literacy data for Tasmania found in the 2018 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Health Literacy Survey
- 'Health Literacy, does it make a difference?', Anne Johnson, 2014
- ‘The evolving concept of health literacy’, Don Nutbeam, 2006
- ‘The optimising Health Literacy (OpHeLia) process: Using health literacy profiling and community engagement to create and implement health reform', Batterham R.W. et al., 2014
- ‘Health Literacy, how nurses can make a difference', Anne Johnson, 2015
If you want more information or examples on specific areas on health literacy please email
Last updated