Low vitamin D is an important public health issue and is common in Tasmania.
In summer around one third of Tasmanian teens and adults do not have enough vitamin D (blood levels less than 50 nmol/L) and in winter and spring this increases to around two thirds.
During winter in Tasmania it is very difficult for our bodies to make enough vitamin D because there is less sunlight, UV levels are low and we cover up to keep warm.
Children aged five to 12 years are less likely to have low vitamin D if they play outside all year round.
You need vitamin D for healthy bones and muscles and overall good health. Plus, getting enough vitamin D will help prevent osteoporosis and rickets.
Sunlight (UV light) is the best source of vitamin D but your body cannot make vitamin D with sunlight that has passed through glass, as it filters out the UVB. Safe sun exposure is recommended to maintain adequate vitamin D. Sun protection (hat, sunscreen, protective clothing) should be used when UV levels are greater than 3.
Some foods such as oily fish, eggs and mushrooms contain small amounts of vitamin D and some milk and soy products have vitamin D added. As food only has a small amount of vitamin D it is difficult to get enough from diet alone.
How much vitamin D your body makes depends on your skin type, amount of skin exposed, UV level, time in the sun, and individual lifestyle and health factors.
Who is at risk of low vitamin D?
- People with naturally dark skin
- People with little or no sun exposure:
- those in institutions, hospitals or housebound for long periods
- those who wear concealing clothing
- those who deliberately avoid the sun.
- People with certain medical conditions or on certain medications
- People with a BMI over 30 kg/m2
- Exclusively breastfed babies who fall into a risk category above or who have mothers with low vitamin D.
Talk to your General Practitioner, nurse or Dietitian about how to maintain your vitamin D levels.
Learn more about nutrition and physical activity
Download resources on Vitamin D in Tasmania for health professionals