From today, a new online tool is available providing an indication of the average Emergency Department (ED) waiting times for non-critical cases at all four public hospitals across the state.
The Emergency Department waiting time dashboard shows the average waiting time for non-critical cases in the last two hours in each hospital ED. It is available here: Emergency Department waiting times in Tasmania's public hospitals | Tasmanian Department of Health
Importantly, the average ED waiting times indicated are for non-critical cases and are not relevant to people requiring emergency treatment. People needing critical, life-saving care will always be seen first.
The average waiting times are displayed alongside detailed information of the range of treatment options available in Tasmania, including Healthdirect, Medicare Urgent Care Clinics, GPs, pharmacies and Access Mental Health.
By sharing a picture of current ED demand alongside information about the range of treatment options available, the aim is to help people choose the right option for their needs, including less urgent cases who may be able to get treatment more quickly using an alternative to the ED.
Find out more about the available treatment options here: Know your treatment options - Right Care Right Place | Tasmanian Department of Health
If you, or someone else, are experiencing a serious and life-threatening injury or illness call triple zero (000) immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Department.