The next stage of a campaign to promote respect towards Tasmanian health workers has been launched, with staff members from the Department of Health again featuring at the centre of the campaign.
The campaign includes a television commercial featuring staff members from the Department of Health and highlights the tag line: “A healthy dose of respect helps everyone.”
The campaign also features radio and print advertising, posters to be displayed in our hospitals and health services, and staff-focused internal communications.
Our dedicated health professionals do an outstanding job - often in high-pressure working environments – to provide high-quality health services to the Tasmanian community.
This campaign is about creating awareness around the need to respect the health workforce and importantly, ensure staff are well supported to care for the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians.
In November 2023, the Department of Health launched the first stage of the campaign, which included a television commercial.
For more information about the campaign, visit: Everyone deserves to be respected | Tasmanian Department of Health