Tasmania’s newest public mental health service is approaching a significant milestone with its success transforming the way mental health care is delivered in the State.
Located in North Hobart, the Peacock Centre is a unique community-based mental health service with a lived experience workforce at its centre – a first of its kind in Tasmania.
Since opening in early April this year, almost 1500 Tasmanians have walked through the Peacock Centre’s doors to receive mental health support and guidance from its suite of four new services.
This is a significant number of service users who have been supported to manage their conditions in the community, often without the need for unnecessary hospital presentations and admissions, which typically results in better mental health outcomes.
The Centre has vastly increased community mental health resources in Tasmania, representing a significant shift from traditional hospital-based mental health care to recovery-focused community-based care.
The holistic nature of services offered at the Peacock Centre – from crisis services through to recovery and education – are a valuable resource to the Tasmanian community and it’s important people know they are available.
The Peacock Centre offers a suite of four complimentary new services which provide different levels of support to people experiencing mental ill health and their families and friends.
The 12-bed Peacock House provides therapeutic inpatient care in a community-based environment and Safe Haven provides support to people in suicidal or situational distress.
In addition, a Mental Health Integration Hub offers support and assistance to navigate services, and a Recovery College classroom provides opportunities for people in the community to continue their personal recovery through education.