Results from the Human Health Risk Assessment of the Rocherlea Industrial Area, commissioned by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Department of Health, have been released showing there has been no evidence of harm to the community.
Health and safety during power outages and severe weather
A health alert for floods and your health from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Pregnancy and Early Childhood Loss Memorial Service 2023
Tasmanian Health Service - South warmly invites you and your family to attend one of our Memorial Services, to remember pregnancy and early childhood loss held in March, July, and October each year.
Release of North West Maternity Services Review Report
An Independent Review of the Quality, Safety and Management of the North West Maternity Services was commissioned in November 2020 and the final report on the Review is being released today.
Derwent Estuary fish limits
A health alert for Derwent Estuary fish limits and your health from the Department of Health (Tasmania).