Results from the Human Health Risk Assessment of the Rocherlea Industrial Area, commissioned by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Department of Health, have been released showing there has been no evidence of harm to the community.
Tasmanian Cardiac Strategy
Find out information about our plan to improve heart health outcomes in Tasmania.
Health and safety during power outages and severe weather
A health alert for floods and your health from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
GP NOW Rapid Response Team recruitment underway
A new GP NOW Rapid Response Team is recruiting from today, 13 July, with job advertisements live.
Preventing burn injuries and promoting effective first aid this winter
With June marking the start of National Burns Awareness Month, the Tasmanian Burns Unit is spreading vital safety messages about burn risks and the critical importance of effective first aid.
Helping Tasmanians stay safe on their feet during April No Falls month
This month is “April No Falls”, which is an international campaign that aims to encourage us to recognise the risks that falls pose and to highlight the importance of prevention, particularly for older people.
Results from the Tasmanian Population Health Survey 2022 released
Public Health Services today released the results of the 2022 Tasmanian Population Health Survey (TPHS).
Alert: Severe reactions after consuming drinks made from poppy seeds
Danger: Do not consume large amounts of raw poppy seeds such as home-made poppy seed tea.
Derwent Estuary fish limits
A health alert for Derwent Estuary fish limits and your health from the Department of Health (Tasmania).