Significant changes have been occurring in Midwifery across Tasmania, with the launch of a new uniform, and an inaugural Assistant Director of Midwifery role.
Tasmanians urged to be aware of syphilis as cases increase locally and nationally
Tasmanians are being reminded to consider their need for regular sexual health checks, to practice safe sex and to get tested for syphilis and treated as soon as possible if they have symptoms.
Results from the Tasmanian Population Health Survey 2022 released
Public Health Services today released the results of the 2022 Tasmanian Population Health Survey (TPHS).
Be alert to the dangers of button batteries
Parents and guardians of young children are urged to be aware of the dangers of button batteries this festive season.
Free Wi-Fi across Tasmania's major hospitals
Just in time for Christmas, secure free public Wi-Fi is now available at Tasmania’s four major hospitals to help visitors and patients stay connected with family and friends during their stay.
Expansion of Hospital@home services in Southern Tasmania
More patients in Southern Tasmania will be supported to return home from hospital sooner - or avoid presenting to a hospital altogether – with the expansion of the Royal Hobart Hospital’s (RHH) Hospital@home program.
Child Safe Behaviours. Have your Say!
We want to hear from children, young people and families about how we can help children and young people feel safe and be safe when using our health services.
Royal Hobart Hospital staff in action in Antarctica rescue mission
Two of the Royal Hobart Hospital’s staff were called on to help the Australian Antarctic Division rescue mission in late August.
Tasmanians reminded to be aware of the risks from jack jumper ant stings
Tasmanians are being urged to be aware of the increased risk of stings from jack jumper ants during the summer season.
Closing soon: Consultation opportunity - Meeting the needs of Tasmanians before they reach crisis point
The Department of Health is working with Everymind to develop a new service for Tasmania to support people in the early stages of distress.
Expanded vaccination scope of practice for Community Pharmacy
In Tasmania, as of 3 January 2024, Authorised Pharmacist Immunisers (API) will be able to independently administer an expanded scope of vaccines subject to completion of required training.
Devonport Medicare Urgent Care Clinic opens for patients
Opening from Monday 11 December, the Devonport Medicare Urgent Care Clinic is a dedicated medical facility designed to provide ready access to non-emergency medical care.
Facility Dog Ziggie the newest member of Peacock Centre’s compassionate mental health team
Hobart’s Peacock Centre has welcomed Facility Dog Ziggie as the newest member of its team to further enhance support for people experiencing mental health challenges.
STEMI program providing life-saving treatment for heart attacks
A life-saving service that provides emergency care and treatment for heart attacks is delivering nation-leading outcomes for Tasmanians by enabling faster access to vital procedures.
Ensure you know the right health treatment options for your needs this Summer
The Department of Health is calling on Tasmanians to know the right treatment option for their needs as hospitals and the wider health system enter the traditionally busy summer season.
Expanding palliative care services to support the community in Northern Tasmania
Specialist Palliative Care services are expanding to improve care, advice and support in Northern Tasmania as part of a new pilot program.
Staff specialists deliver emergency skills workshop to rural and regional health workers
Specialists from the Royal Hobart Hospital and Tasmanian Health Service’s southern region will this week host 30 medical and nursing staff and rural general practitioners as part of a program to upskill more Tasmanian health staff and improve emergency care in rural and regional areas.
Hospitals North staff recognised for 25 years' service
More than 40 Hospitals North staff have achieved the major milestone of 25 years' service and were presented with awards at a ceremony this week.
Celebrating our new midwives and welcoming them to the health system
A celebration has been held for 11 newly registered midwives in Tasmania who are beginning their careers in maternity services across the State.
Launceston General Hospital again accredited baby friendly facility for sixth successive assessment
The Launceston General Hospital has been continuously Baby Friendly Health Initiative (BFHI)-accredited since 2006, with this year the sixth successful assessment.