You must be cautious when returning to your property. Check with local emergency services that it is safe and that you have permission to return.
Smoke and your health
Smoke may still be present in your area following a bushfire and may last for up to two weeks if there is no wind to clear the air.
Air pollution
High smoke levels may cause breathing problems and worsen existing health conditions throughout the body.
Those most at risk are infants or young children, people aged 65 years and older, pregnant women, people with diabetes, heart or lung diseases, including asthma. These people should avoid unnecessary travel to affected areas.
What you should do
Understand your risk and manage your health
- Understand whether you, or those you care for, are at higher risk.
- For people at lower risk, you may get symptoms such as burning eyes, a sore throat, runny nose or a cough from breathing smoky air for short periods. These should clear up quickly once the smoke goes, if they don't then seek medical care.
- If you, or those you care for, are at higher risk, it is important to manage health and reduce the smoke you/they breathe.
- If it’s smoky, and you have a health condition such as asthma, you should actively manage your symptoms and minimise the time spent in smoky conditions as much as you can.
- Follow your asthma action plan, or your health plan for managing other health conditions.
- If you don’t have an action plan, contact your GP. If you need advice after-hours call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 or see know your treatment options.
- If symptoms worsen, go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
- In a medical emergency, call 000 for an ambulance.
Reduce the smoke you breathe
- Stay indoors and avoid physical activity outdoors.
- Close windows and doors in your home and open them when air quality improves.
- Switch air conditioners to 'recycle' or 'recirculate'.
- When indoors, minimise other sources of air pollution such as tobacco smoke and wood stoves.
- Spend time in places with cleaner air, this could be an air-conditioned public building like a library or shopping centre or visit family or friends in an area not affected by smoke.
- Use a P2/N95 mask that fits well when you can't avoid smoke. They require an air-tight seal between the mask and your face to be most effective. If you have a pre-existing heart or lung condition, seek advice from your doctor if you have trouble breathing while wearing a mask.
- Consider using a portable air cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air or HEPA filter, set up in a well-sealed room the right size for the filter.
Keeping track of smoke
- Check the smoke particle levels in many parts of Tasmania are available through the Environment Protection Authority's real-time air quality data
- You can download the free AirRater app to keep track of air quality in your area.
- Find out more on the Air Quality page
Protective clothing
Put on protective clothing before entering your property:
- Sturdy footwear and heavy-duty gloves.
- Overalls with long sleeves and trousers (preferably disposable).
- Special face masks (called 'P2'). Ordinary paper dust masks, handkerchiefs and bandanas do not filter out fine ash or dusts or asbestos fibres.
Be alert to all hazards
If you have a septic tank, it may have been weakened so do not drive or walk over it.
Minimise disturbance of dust and ash, which may contain hazardous materials. Do not spread ash around, moisten it with water to minimise dust.
Be alert for hazardous materials such as LPG cylinders, chemicals (garden/farm), cleaning products, medicines and other burnt residues.
If you are using portable generators make sure they are in a well-ventilated area to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
There may also be overhead hazards such as falling trees and tree limbs, and live power lines.
Exposure to asbestos fibres is only likely to occur when people actively disturb ashes on properties built with asbestos-cement sheeting (buildings built before 1990).
If asbestos is likely to be present, you must get a licensed asbestos removalist to do the clean-up work.
Ash from treated timber
CCA-treated wood is commonly used in decking, fencing and landscaping. After a fire, the ash from this wood contains copper, chromium and arsenic. This ash can be harmful; keep children and pets away. Seek advice from your local council on ash disposal.
Rainwater tanks
The risk to human health is low from contaminated rainwater tanks in bushfire-affected areas. However, if fire-fighting foams have entered your tank, do not drink the water and do not give it to pets to drink.
If your rainwater tank is intact and the water has no abnormal look, smells or taste, it should be safe to use. It is safest to boil untreated water that you plan to drink. If the rainwater looks, smells or tastes unusual, assume it is contaminated and don't drink it or use it for cooking, or preparing food.
Learn more about keeping rainwater tanks safe in bushfire-affected areas.
Check your roof and guttering for ash, debris and animal carcasses. Remove them as soon as possible to avoid contaminants getting flushed into your tank.
If your rainwater has been contaminated, drain the tank and allow it to refill with clean rainwater or fill it with water from a registered water carter.
For more information visit our drinking water section on rain tanks.
Food safety
Throw out perishable food, such as meat, poultry, fish and leftovers if it has been above 5°C for 4 hours or more.
Frozen food that has thawed can be refrozen if it still contains ice crystals and is below 5°C. If you’re not sure if your food is safe to eat, it’s best to throw it out.
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Using fuel-burning equipment inside or in poorly ventilated areas can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas that you cannot see, taste, or smell.
Diesel or petrol generators, and heating or outdoor cooking appliances that use gas, oil, kerosene or wood all produce dangerous gases including carbon monoxide.
Never use generators, outdoor barbecues, or portable charcoal grills, gas or heat-bead stoves indoors.
High carbon monoxide levels can cause loss of consciousness, seizures and death.
Lower levels can cause carbon monoxide poisoning with headaches, nausea, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath and confusion.
Find out more about indoor gas poisoning
Find out more about safe use of generators
Cleaning your property
Wear adequate protective clothing when handling debris outside.
Smoke and soot in the home
Open all doors and windows to ventilate your home to help remove any smoke odour. Hard surfaces (furniture, walls and floors) can be washed with mild soap or detergent and water. Soft furniture and bedding can be aired outside.
Clothes that smell of smoke and clothes that had been left on the clothesline should be washed normally and dried outside. Rewashing of clothes ensures sensitive skin is protected from soot, particles and ash.
For more information
For current smoke alerts visit the TasALERT website
Find out more about bushfire smoke and air quality
Contact Public Health Services for further advice phone 1800 671 738, email [email protected].