Live Well, Live Long is a 12 week program that runs three times per year at the Clarence Integrated Care Centre and Glenorchy Health Centre.
It is a free, accessible educational program that promotes a holistic approach to health and wellness. Local service providers and health professionals provide weekly workshops aimed at building participant’s understanding of their health, including the things they can do to stay well.
Health Promotion South - Corina McCarthy
Why did you develop your project?
- To share knowledge about how participants can stay safe, manage their chronic
health conditions, and access services and supports.
What did you do? What worked well?
- We listened to what people wanted and what they said. Our presenters are interested in connecting with people, and tailor their presentations to what people want to know and hear. Each year the presenters get together to discuss the program and ideas for improvement.
- We are flexible - anyone from any municipality can attend. Having two different times and days to attend offers choice.
- Our members complete evaluations. The positive feedback received so far is encouraging.
What did not work so well? What lessons were learned?
- We initially ran the Clarence Program at 10 am but the attendance was low. We then changed to 12:30 pm. Our attendance has increased so much we now have a waiting list!
- Quite a few people could not attend over winter in 2019 due to illness.
- We have found it hard to engage some lower socio-economic communities that are reluctant to leave their local area.
What did the project achieve? What’s the outcome, or impact?
- Presenters have noted that participants are now attending their service.
- We no longer need to advertise the Clarence program as word of mouth is filling the spots. (This speaks volumes.)
- Several participants have joined other activities and groups. They also tell us that they have passed on the information they have learnt to family and friends.
- Participants report making healthier life changes and choices after attending the program.
How are the principles of Working in Health Promoting Ways reflected in your project?
Systems Change
Many services tell us that presenting at this program has helped embed health promotion into their practice as they have closer contact with community members. It engages people that they might not normally reach. There is now managerial support from THS for their workers being involved.
Supportive Environments
Live Well Live Long is an inclusive environment where members are given tools and resources to help them with their health. Participants are encouraged to contact the services they’ve been introduced to. Many participants feel more comfortable doing this as they are more aware of how services work.
This program is for anyone. It is free! We use easy-to-access venues.
Partnerships with THS services, local providers and the local Councils are central to the program. In 2017 ‘Live Well Live Long’ won the Tasmanian Allied Health Award for partnerships. Other Councils are keen to take on this program bringing in new partners.
Engaging People
Our members are encouraged to participate and take control of their health & wellbeing. Each week feedback is received and if needed, program changes are made.
Most referrals to the program are through community word of mouth.
Evidence Informed Practice
The presenters continually improve their content with the most up to date information. This means participants receive evidence-based information on topics relevant to them.
How has working in health promoting ways benefitted your team? And helped your clients?
It is a lovely way to engage with clients and deliver important information in a supportive, friendly environment. We constantly hear from past attendees that the program has changed aspects of their lives, such as increasing their knowledge or making new friends.
Enjoy watching this short video of the program (3 minutes) which was made with the prize money from our 2017 award.
A Working in Health Promoting Ways (WiHPW) inspiring story
Inspiring Health Promotion: Our Stories plans to showcase and share good examples of health promotion and prevention.
We hear great stories of staff working in health promoting ways and know that better practice happens when we share what works.
Contact us if you've got a story to share or want to know more